Gary And Ray

Gary the gorilla is the only animal in the jungle who is lonely — all the other animals seem to have companions — and even the people of the village are frightened of him so they stay well away. But Gary has nightmares that hunters catch him, and he wishes that everyone could see how lonely and afraid he is. Then one day a tiny sunbird hamed Ray thinks he looks so sad that he ventures to talk to him. Soon this unlikely pair are best of friends, but Ray has a family and Gary can’t help wishing for one too. Then one day Ray doesn’t show up as usual, only to return days later with a wonderful surprise for Gary. In this delightful story of friendship, Ray’s resourcefulness in support of his fearsome friend has a touching and satisfying ending.

Deron Goes to Nursery School

Deron Goes to Nusery School is a title in the First Experiences series, a vivid new series portraying young children’s very first experiences of nursery school, time with grandparents, and other events. The first time for anything can be daunting, and these books set out to familiarize children, through simple read-aloud words and beautiful photos, with what seems at first unfamiliar but will eventually become a routine part of everyday life. Set in and photographed in Ghana in West Africa, these beautiful books brilliantly capture these universal early childhood experiences from the relatively unusual and revealing perspective of a country in the developing world. In Deron Goes to Nusery School, Deron watches his mother make his new school clothes. The next day he goes with her to the school and meets his new teacher, who shows him around the school and introduces him to the other children. Playing, singing, writing, eating lunch, resting, and listening to a story are all part of Deron’s exciting first day, and at the end he can’t wait to go back tomorrow. Written and photographed by an award-winning author, this is a uniquely heart-warming book to share with all young children.

Grandma Comes to Stay

In Grandma Comes to Stay, three-year-old Stephanie helps her mother tidy up, go shopping at the market, and cook in preparation for Grandma’s stay. When she arrives, Grandma gives Stephanie a box of pencils and reads her favorite book. The next day she shows Stephanie how to tie a head-dress, and Stephanie shows Grandma how to kick a ball, play with dolls, and bang a drum. At bedtime Grandma tells her a wonderful story, and when Grandma leaves the next morning Stephanie says, “Come back soon, Grandma!” Written and photographed by an award-winning author, this is a uniquely heartwarming book to share with all young children.

Muu, Moo!: Rimas de animales/Animal Nursery Rhymes (Spanish Edition)

This bilingual collection of traditional animal nursery rhymes from Spain, Latin America, and the United States is sure to delight readers young and old. Includes 17 poems handpicked by Ada and Campoy, along with five of their own original poems.

Nasreen’s Secret School: A True Story from Afghanistan

Young Nasreen has not spoken a word to anyone since her parents disappeared. In despair, her grandmother risks everything to enroll Nasreen in a secret school for girls. Will a devoted teacher, a new friend, and the worlds she discovers in books be enough to draw Nasreen out of her shell of sadness? Based on a true story from Afghanistan, this inspiring book will touch readers deeply as it affirms both the life-changing power of education and the healing power of love.

Click here to read the Worlds of Words review.

Edgar Potato

If you knew you were to read a story of a Prince Edward Island potato that had grown too big, you would be able to predict the rest: his peer potatoes would give him a hard time, right? Right. But in the end he would win out, right? Right again, in fact the prize for the Potato Beauty Contest. There is not too much to be put in the middle of such predictability, but Don Oickle has made a good effort. Because Edgar Potato is so near the surface, he gets to see and experience much of the lovely Prince Edward Island scenery. This makes up in part for the insults he receives from his smaller neighbour potatoes. He will not, they jeer, be able to become a wonderful baked or French fried or instant mashed potato. His fate will be to be made into pig food. After winning his beauty prize, Edgar’s last comment is “Maybe being bigger than all the others isn’t so bad after all!

Edward And The Eureka Lucky Wish Company

Edward wishes he could fly. But no matter how much he adjusts and re-adjusts the splurchler and turbo-twirler on his Skyhopper 2000, he can’t get off the ground. Imagine Edward’s thrill when he gets a coupon for not just one, but three wishes. Edward makes a wish that his Skyhopper could fly. And there it goes – Boing! Sproing! Z-z-ooom! – without him. Things really start to lurch out of control when his mother tells him to clean his room. Edward wishes that he didn’t have to! After a monster gobbles up the contents of his room until there’s nothing left to clean, Edward is determined to be more careful with his last wish. Wishes, like flying, should not be taken lightly. Will Edward ever figure out what he really wants to wish for?