What Pet to Get?

Jack’s mother says he can choose a pet but what pet to get? An elephant? (So difficult to take on vacation.) A polar bear? (It wouldn’t like the central heating.) What about a Tyrannosaurus Rex? (Unfortunately, it’s been extinct for 65 million years.) The gatefold on the last page reveals Jack’s final choice, and a big surprise.

Where Jamaica Go?

Jamaica has fun and sees many colorful sights as she goes downtown, goes to the beach, and rides home with Daddy.

The Absentminded Fellow

Leaping into a shirt and thrusting his arms into his pant legs, the Absentminded Fellow dashes out into the London streets, frantically hails a cab, rushes through the train station and right into an abandoned car. Three days later, to his surprise, he’s still in London…This droll character portrait will quickly have listeners chiming in on the chorus.

How the Ladies Stopped the Wind

Iceland is a very windy place.Going for a walk can be challenging. The ladies in one village, with the help of the chickens, set out to stop the wind. But the hungry sheep have other plans. Why aren’t there any trees in the Icelandic countryside? This original tale will tell you why and leave you smiling at the determination of the ever singing Icelandic ladies and their steadfast chickens.

Who Made this Cake?

Imagine an industrialized Lilliput. Imagine an enormous construction site. Imagine a birthday cake like no other. Little people use big machines to make a giant birthday cake, in this fun story.


This playful and original picture book takes three friends through the days of the week as well as the seasons of the year. Monday is our main character and as we move through the days of the week he becomes smaller and smaller until Sunday when he virtually disappears in a snowstorm. His two freinds go off to look for him. They too move through the days of the week as well as the seasons of the year as they search for their friend. At the end they finally find him, and he is just a little bit different, for as we know, no one Monday is the same as the next.

Please note that there are five different weights of paper used in this book and as the reader moves from the lushness of spring into the browns of autumn and the icy whiteness of winter the paper becomes thinner and thinner. Additionally, the paper is textured with a Braille-like effect during the snowstorm at the end of the book.

The Child Cruncher

Being kidnapped is not as thrilling as one plucky girl had hoped. Her big, ugly villain turns out to be an ordinary child cruncher. What a disappointment! Instead of taking her on all sorts of adventures, he only wants to eat her up. Luckily, she knows just what to do.

Charlie And Lola: Snow Is My Favorite And My Best (Charlie & Lola)

The weatherman has predicted snow, and Lola absolutely cannot wait. She just loves snow. “Why can’t it be winter ALL the time?” she asks her brother. But on an adventure to the Arctic, Charlie shows Lola why never-ending snow might not be so perfect for kids. How could Lola go swimming or wear her favorite stripe-y party dress if it were always cold? Once again, Lauren Child brilliantly and hilariously captures every-kid feelings and emotions–this time about the magical first snowfall of the year. To see these lovable siblings in action, be sure to check out the hit animated series Charlie & Lola on Disney Playhouse! About the Author: The New York Times bestselling author/artist of Utterly Me, Clarice Bean, Lauren Child lives in London, England.