The Shopping Expedition

Setting out to pick up some things from the store entails more than a brave family bargains for in this funny flight of fancy from Allan Ahlberg and André Amstutz.On the day Mom goes shopping with her young daughter, baby Harry, and Wilf the Wonderdog, she starts by making her usual grocery list. But with Allan Ahlberg at the helm, what begins as a mundane shopping trip can quickly become just a little unusual. With the help of whimsically detailed illustrations by André Amstutz, this persistent family treks through a blizzard and under the desert sun, into a jungle of tropical beasts, and even across the sea. But what will they find at the end of their journey?

The Rabbit Who Didn’t Want To Go To Sleep

Young Rabbit is a true expert on wheedling a few more minutes out of his weary parents. After all, he’s only just started playing, and he’s built this really cool race track for his cars, and he has to find the tow truck after he crashes into his little sister’s nightstand and knocks something over (waking her up in the process). However, by the time his parents have reached the end of their rope, Rabbit seems to have disappeared. Luckily, a snore from behind the couch gives them the clue they need to finally get that bunny into bed. But guess who’s wide-awake and wanting her oatmeal now!


Sam wants to go out, but it’s pouring rain, so Granddad says they need to stay inside until the rain stops. Sam drinks hot chocolate and reads his books and dreams of adventures while Granddad does some paperwork. When Granddad needs to mail his letter, it’s time to go out despite the rain and floods and Sam and Granddad have a magical adventure. The follow up to the acclaimed Snow, this is the second title in a four-book series based on the weather from creator Sam Usher.

This Is How We Do It

Follow the real lives of seven kids from Italy, Japan, Iran, India, Peru, Uganda, and Russia for a single day! In Japan Kei plays Freeze Tag, while in Uganda Daphine likes to jump rope. But while the way they play may differ, the shared rhythm of their days—and this one world we all share—unites them.