Alone Together: A Tale Of Friendship And Hope

It isn’t a normal sort of a day. The sun is up, the birds are out, but everybody’s indoors. Having to stay home can be confusing and lonely for children. Julia Seal highlights the importance of friendship and community during these challenging times. The message of hope will help children see the power of togetherness, and understand that even though we might feel like we’re alone, we’re alone together.


Told through the voices―and windows―of children from around the world, this story’s comforting message and bright illustrations bring hope into your home even as our world changes outside. The book’s beautiful design reveals similarities―“In different windows everywhere, I see rainbows, hearts, and teddy bears”―that can comfort and unite us, even in hard times.

While I Wait

While it is difficult for adults to understand the extent of changes in the world brought about by the 2020 pandemic, it must be so much more confusing to children. Waiting and spending time indoors while a favorite park is closed or school is shut down has been a constant companion for children in 2020.

When The World Went Quiet

During the global pandemic in early 2020, stories of wildlife showing up in unexpected places began to emerge. From foxes cavorting in gardens to geese sunbathing in Israel, these stories invited us to take pause, gaze with wonder, and enjoy the whimsy of seeing creatures explore what was previously primarily a human habitat. In this book for children of all ages, Martina’s magical words combine with artist Kelly Ulrich’s inspired illustrations to create a book that takes you on a journey around the world from the comfort of your own living room, while also gently highlighting the balance between nature and humanity.

La Vida Secreta De Los Virus

¿Qué es un virus? ¿Cuántos hay a nuestro alrededor? ¿Dónde viven estos microorganismos invisibles al ojo humano? Las respuestas, adaptadas a lectores de todas las edades. Después de las pupas y los mocos, es el turno de los virus, el tercer título de la exitosa colección “La vida secreta de…”. Las ilustraciones son también de Mariona Tolosa Sisteré. Una herramienta para familiarizar a los más pequeños con los virus, saber cómo protegerse de estos y descubrir que la mayoría son inofensivos.

A Is For Axolotl: An Unusual Animal Abc

Get ready for close encounters with axolotls, binturongs, colugos, dumbo octopuses, echidnas, fossas, gerenuks, hyraxes, ibex, jerboas, kiwis, lorises, maned wolves, naked mole rats, okapis, pangolins, quokkas, red pandas, saigas, thorny dragons, uakaris, vaquitas, water bears, xenopus, yeti crabs, and zebra duikers.

Human Town

On a hot summer day, the elephant family decides to do something fun and visit the Human Town! Junior and Lulu, the elephants become disappointed to see humans are not taking good care of their environment. “Does this mean humans will soon be extinct?” asks Junior. This story is a playful look from outside to what humans are doing to the planet and to themselves.