What happens late at night when mama can’t sleep? Take these rough and tumble tiny books where ever you go! Tuff Books are tear-resistant, easy to clean, and completely safety tested and approved for tiny tuff readers!
Realistic Fiction genre
What happens late at night when mama can’t sleep? Take these rough and tumble tiny books where ever you go! Tuff Books are tear-resistant, easy to clean, and completely safety tested and approved for tiny tuff readers!
Having a wild big sister–who can be a giraffe one day, a giant bear the next, and a racing rabbit the day after that–is just about the very best thing that can happen to little brother. Iris Wewer’s rollicking illustrations perfectly match this playful story of imagination and adventure!
“Stop it. The two of you, stop it!” Roelito howls at his father and older brother as their heated argument turns into a shoving match. Beto has again come home way past curfew, smelling like a cantina.When Beto Sr. tells his son that he either needs to follow the rules or leave, the boyza senior in high schoolzdecides to leave, right then, in the middle of the night. Once he has walked away, though, he realizes he has nowhere to go. Maybe his best friend Jessy can help.The story of Betozs decision to run away and drop out of school is told from shifting perspectives in which the conflicted lives of Roel, Beto, and Jessy are revealed in short scenes that reflect teen-age life along the Texas-Mexico border. Each one has a good long way to go in growing up. Roel fights the teachersz assumptions that hezs like Beto. Unlike his brother, Roel actually enjoys school. Jessy is smart too, but most of her teachers canzt see beyond her tough-girl façade. Her parents are so busy fighting with each other that they donzt notice her, even if shezs packing a suitcase to leave. And Beto z somewhere along the way he quit caring about school. And his teachers have noticed and given up too.René Saldana, Jr. once again writes a fast-paced, thought-provoking novel that will engage young adults in questions about their own lives and responsibilities to family, friends, and most of all, to themselves.
When Bilal and his sister transfer to a school where they are the only Muslims, they must learn how to fit in while staying true to their beliefs and heritage.
A ten-year-old Lebanese boy balances his life in a war-torn city.
This book has been included in WOW’s Kids Taking Action Booklist. For our current list, visit our Boolist page under Resources in the green navigation bar.
In this sequel to Year of the Dog, Pacy has another big year in store for her. The Year of the Dog was a very lucky year: she met her best friend Melody and discovered her true talents. However, the Year of the Rat brings big changes: Pacy must deal with Melody moving to California, find the courage to forge on with her dream of becoming a writer and illustrator, and learn to face some of her own flaws. Pacy encounters prejudice, struggles with acceptance, and must find the beauty in change.Based on the author’s childhood adventures, Year of the Rat, features the whimsical black and white illustrations and the hilarious and touching anecdotes that helped Year of the Dog earn rave reviews and satisfied readers.
A little boy and his older sister ride a subway to go to their grandparents’ house on their own for the first time. The big sister feels responsible, yet her brother doesn’t listen to her.
When they meet a Ugandan refugee girl who’s an amazing designer, three trendy London teens combine their talents to create some kind of wonderful. Nonie’s a freak for fashion. Bleeding-heart Edie wants to green the planet. And starter-starlet Jenny has just landed a small part in a big Hollywood blockbuster. But when these trendy London besties meet a Ugandan refugee girl named Crow, sketching a dress at the Victoria & Albert Museum, their worldview gets a makeover. As they learn about the serious situation in Crow’s homeland, they decide to pool their talents to call attention to the crisis. One of Crow’s designs on the red carpet at the Oscars and they come up with a chic way to raise awareness.
Seventeen-year-olds Maddy Fisher and Rich Ross yearn for love, and after their first attempts at relationships go awry, they find one another and form a deep bond that can only be expressed one way.
Everything changes for Chris one August evening when red-haired, freckle-faced Johnny turns up on a bicycle, but who is Johnny and why do the police have his bicycle and other belongings?