The Knife Of Never Letting Go: Chaos Walking: Book One (Chaos Walking)

A dystopian thriller follows a boy and girl on the run from a town where all thoughts can be heard — and the passage to manhood embodies a horrible secret.Todd Hewitt is the only boy in a town of men. Ever since the settlers were infected with the Noise germ, Todd can hear everything the men think, and they hear everything he thinks. Todd is just a month away from becoming a man, but in the midst of the cacophony, he knows that the town is hiding something from him — something so awful Todd is forced to flee with only his dog, whose simple, loyal voice he hears too. With hostile men from the town in pursuit, the two stumble upon a strange and eerily silent creature: a girl. Who is she? Why wasn’t she killed by the germ like all the females on New World? Propelled by Todd’s gritty narration, readers are in for a white-knuckle journey in which a boy on the cusp of manhood must unlearn everything he knows in order to figure out who he truly is.

The Roar

Mika lives in future London, behind The Wall, safe from The Animal Plague beyond. Or so he’s been told. But ever since Ellie vanished a year ago, he’s suspected his world may be built on secrets–and lies. When a mysterious organization starts recruiting mutant kids to compete in violent virtual reality games. Mika take the chance to search for his twin sister–and the truth.

Jumpman Rule #2: Don’t Even Think About It (Jumpman Rule)

No sooner is their first date over than Jules and Gen find themselves back at work after a JumpMan comes looking for them to tell them of their friend’s involvement with Quincy Carter One and their plans to change the history of the world.

A Dusk of Demons

When his father dies mysteriously and enemies set fire to Ben’s house, Ben and his stepsister, Patty, flee their homeland and embark on a perilous journey during which they face imprisonment, gypsies, and terrified countrymen seeking a sacrifice to save themselves from the Dark One.

The Second Life Of Linus Hoppe

After intentionally getting himself expelled from Realm One, Linus Hoppe believed he would experience more of real life. But life in inferior Realm Two is a nightmare. For months Linus has been imprisoned in a factory, where he toils on an assembly line. At night, he’s so tired that he no longer dreams of a future, of the destiny he wanted to create for himself. As for his family and friends, he fears he’ll never see them again. He especially misses Chem and Yosh, his co-conspirators in fooling the Great Processor. What made them think they could change society’s rigid hierarchy? Ready to give up, Linus must somehow regain hope and the will to fight for his freedom.

Virtual World

When computer junkie Jack North downloads a pirated copy of Silicon Sphere from the internet, he can’t wait to try it out. After all, Sphere is said to be the ultimate in virtual reality, with graphics, sounds, even smells so realistic, you’d swear you were inside the game–or the game had somehow leaked out into the real world. But when other Sphere players start to disappear, Jack suspects there may be something more to it than meets the eye–something altogether sinister. What he discovers as he treads the line between reality and illusion, between sanity and madness, is a virtual world so nightmarish the only way out may be to give in.