Ice Claw

High in the freezing French Pyrenees, Max Gordon’s race to win an X-treme sports challenge has become a race to survive. He witnesses the last moments of a mysterious Basque monk, who screams a cryptic clue before plummeting to his death. The clue? A prophecy that foretells a cataclysmic ecological event that will kill millions of people across Europe. Max is desperate to find a solution, but instead he’s accused of causing the monk’s death, and the hunt is on to find him. How can Max prove his innocence when nobody will trust him . . . and he can trust no one?

The Legend Of The King

Sir Dinadan and his friend Sir Palomides, Sir Gaheris, Sir Terence, and other knights of the Round Table and their associates try to stop Mordred and his White Horsemen from ending King Arthur’s rule of Great Britain.

The Crowfield Curse

An angel is buried behind the abbey! It’s 1347, and Will, an orphan boy, lives and works as an apprentice of the Crowfield monks. Sent into the forest to gather firewood, he stumbles across a trapped, wounded creature no bigger than a cat.The little goblin shares a terrible secret: Buried deep in the snow behind the monastery is an angel. But, Will wonders, how can an angel die? And what does this angel have to do with the history of Crowfield? When two cloaked strangers show up and start asking questions, Will is drawn into a dangerous world of Old Magic.

Ghoul Strike!

To finance the search for her lost parents, 12-year-old Alannah Malarra uses her psychic powers to hunt demons. With the help of her “business associate,” professional thief Wortley Flint, she snags ghouls and robs them of their illicit riches. Sure, it’s a mercenary existence, but a girl’s got to pay the rent. What Alannah doesn’t realize is that the petty ghosts she’s so good at snaring are just a small part of a big conflict, dating back centuries. The evil Gargoyle hordes from the Dark Dimension are at war with the army from on High, and only Alannah holds the key to victory!

The Ghost Of Crutchfield Hall

In the nineteenth century, ten-year-old Florence Crutchfield leaves a London orphanage to live with her great-uncle, great-aunt, and sickly cousin James, but she soon realizes the home has another resident, who means to do her and James harm.

The Wyverns’ Treasure (Nathaniel Fludd, Beastologist, Book 3)

After tangling with the deadly basilisk, Nathaniel Fludd is glad to return to England with his Aunt Phil. But someone has ransacked their home, and their best suspect is the sinister man who’s been trying to steal The Book of Beasts. Before Nate and Aunt Phil can find the culprit, they are called to Welsh countryside. The wyverns, or “giant dragons,” are in an uproar. Could the same man who ransacked the Fludd house be behind the rift with the wyverns? And just what does he want with The Book of Beasts ? But before Nate can solve the mystery, he must calm the dragons before it’s too late. It’s just another day at work for the world’s youngest beastologist!

The Rebels’ Assault

Decimus Rex has escaped Arena Primus in the company of a fellow slave, Olu Umbika. Together, they manage to board a slave ship and sail away from the trials and Slavious Doom. But now their four friends are being used as bait to get them to return. Decimus and Olu must reach the Suvius Tower to rescue their friends before they get captured themselves!

The Invisible Order, Book One

Emily Snow is 12 years old, supporting herself and her younger brother on the streets of Victorian England by selling watercress. One early winter morning on her way to buy supplies, she encounters a piskie–a small but very sarcastic fey creature that has been cornered by a group of the Black Sidhe, piskies from an opposing clan. She rescues him and unknowingly becomes involved in a war between the Seelie and the Unseelie, two opposing factions of fairies that have been battling each other throughout the long centuries of human history, with London–and England itself–as the ultimate prize. When the Invisible Order–a centuries-old secret society of humans that has protected mankind from the fey’s interference–gets involved, things really start to get complicated. Now she is the central figure in this ancient war that could permanently change Earth. With no one to trust, Emily must rely on her own instincts and guile to make the right choices that could save her family and all of mankind.