Shoes from Grandpa

Jessie, an active girl of nine or so, is growing out of her clothes, and all of the members of her large and loving family get carried away in their eagerness to provide her with a new wardrobe. As each of Jessie’s relatives gets into the act, the rhythmic cumulative tale builds momentum. Finally she tactfully speaks her mind: ‘You’re all so kind that I hate to be mean, but please, would one of you buy me some jeans?’ Youngsters will enjoy seeing Jessie’s free spirit gently triumph.

I Love My Mom

Just in time for Mother’s Day, Ollie celebrates all the things he loves about his mom. This sweet young book will be a hit with mothers and children of all ages.

The Best Restaurant in the World

The next time you go to the beach, look out at the horizon, and you just might see the Super Sailing Sea Restaurant bobbing along. Climb aboard and Chef Peppi will treat you to cotton-candy clouds, introduce you to the flying Spotted Sea Singers, and much more. Maritime magic and scrumptious treats waft on every tropical breeze in this delicious, ice-cream-colored adventure.