I-Know-Not-What, I-Know-Not-Where: A Russian Tale

A retelling of a Russian fairy tale in which an archer assigned many dangerous quests by the greedy, cruel czar wins a crown and the woman of his dreams.

The Little Humpbacked Horse: A Russian Tale

A young peasant, with the help of his faithful horse, captures magical beasts, marries the woman he loves, and becomes Tsar of Russia.


“In the shadow of King Vaslav’s Palace was a marvelous garden, and in the middle of that garden stood a tree that grew apples of solid gold, each one as dazzling as the sun.”Someone is stealing the king’s famous golden apples, and the culprit must be found. The palace gardener spots the luminous Firebird snatching the apples in the night. The king’s two oldest sons are sent to capture it but fail. So Ivan, the youngest son, must go on the dangerous quest, befriending a gray wolf, winning both the Firebird and the heart of the beautiful Princess Helen. Saviour Pirotta’s powerful retelling of this classic folktale plumbs the heart of human fears, courage, and love.


When Chickerella’s new step mother and step sisters, Ovumelda and Cholestera, move in, life in the chicken coop takes a turn for the worst. Forced to cook and clean for her new family, Chickerella won’t even be able to attend the Fowl Ball, that is, until her Fairy Goosemother appears. The unusually stylish Chickerella dazzles the prince in her eggsquisite gown but at the stroke of midnight, she must race home before the spell is over. Will the prince ever be able to find his love? Only a glass egg remains a clue to her identity.

Shlemazel and the Remarkable Spoon of Pohost

A retelling of an Eastern European tale in which Shlemazel, the laziest man in town, is tricked into believing that the lucky spoon given to him by a neighbor will bring him fortune and fame, if it is used in the right way.


Time To Love: Stories From The Old Testament

A retelling of six stories from the Old Testament explores the complexity of love–between brothers, friends, man and woman, parents and children, humankind and the Divine–from the perspective of Ruth, Delilah, Reuben, Rachel, Gamiel, and Jonathan.

The Snow Dog’s Journey

Anna builds a dog of snow, which the Frost King admires and takes away with him, but when Anna’s love and faith eventually reunite her with Snow Dog, they each get their fondest wish.

The Steadfast Tin Soldier

One of Hans Christian Andersen’s most romantic tales, The Steadfast Tin Soldier tells the story of a one-legged tin soldier who suffers a terrible fate all for the love of a beautiful paper dancer. Cursed by a jealous goblin, the toy solider is sent flying out the window to the street below, where a perilous adventure carries him ever further from his love. But throughout his ordeal, the soldier remains sturdy and staunch on his one leg, ever true to his beloved little dancer.