Yoko’s Show-And-Tell

When Yoko’s grandparents send her a beautfui antique doll all the way from Japan, Yoko couldn’t be happier. She places Miki on a windowsill and brings her candy every day. On Girls’ Festival Day, Yoko wants to show Miki to her class and tell them all about the Japanese holiday. In her Big No voice Mama says, “We don’t trouble trouble or trouble will trouble us.”  But Yoko is so excited about Girls’ Day that she can’t resist taking Miki to school. Mama will never know . . . .   What could possibly go wrong? Rosemary Wells brings the loveable Yoko back in a story that deftly explores cultural differences, bullying at school, and learning to forgive, with her trademark accessibility and elegance.

90 Miles To Havana

When Julian’s parents send him and his two brothers away from Cuba to Miami via the Pedro Pan Operation, the boys are thrust into a new world where bullies run rampant and it’s not always clear how best to protect themselves. By the author of Raining Sardines.

Cinnamon Baby

Miriam the baker is beloved in her village. Every day she bicycles to work and saves her favorite cinnamon bread for last, singing as she kneads spices into the dough. The scents and songs attract fellow bicyclist Sebastian, and he falls head over handlebars for Miriam. After marrying, their domestic bliss is disrupted when their beautiful new baby begins to cry continuously. What finally placates the fussy infant? The sounds and smells of Miriam making a batch of cinnamon bread. Many children will welcome the beside-the-point depiction of a multicultural family: Miriam is paper white, Sebastian is cocoa brown, and their cinnamon-colored child gives the title a sly double meaning. A charming offering infused with warmth, romantic whimsy, and love

My Cat Isis

Isis was one of 1500 gods and goddesses worshipped by the Ancient Egyptians. My Isis is the one and only cat in our family. Isis wore a beautiful horned headdress to show that cattle were important in Egyptian life. We make my Isis wear a harness and leash because squirrels are important in nature. Through a series of lighthearted comparisons between his beloved pet cat and the Egyptian goddess, a young boy reveals surprising and playful parallels – and differences that are often funnier between their two worlds. The most obvious similarity? Isis that cat might not be a goddess, but her people couldn’t adore her more!

Lost Boy, Lost Girl

One of thousands of children who fled strife in southern Sudan, John Bul Dau survived hunger, exhaustion, and violence. His wife, Martha, endured similar hardships. In this memorable book, the two convey the best of African values while relating searing accounts of famine and war. There’s warmth as well, in their humorous tales of adapting to American life. For its importance as a primary source, for its inclusion of the rarely told female perspective of Sudan’s lost children, for its celebration of human resilience, this is the perfect story to inform and inspire young readers.

See the review at WOW Review, Volume 5, Issue 2

The Trouble With Tilly Trumble

A sweet, read-aloud story of friendship for dog lovers everywhere in a tale about the relationship between a lonely person and a homeless pet that offers laughs and sincere emotion. Tilly Trumble collects chairs, but she’s still looking for the perfect four-legged, scruffy old thing to fill the space by the fire. When a scruffy dog arrives and doesn’t want to leave, Tilly finds the perfect companion for her chair collecting, sausage eating, and star gazing. Dog owners especially will find warm satisfaction in this story of a pooch who teaches his human friend a lesson in love, loyalty, and furniture arranging.

If I Had a Dog

Six-year-old Maxine is dog crazy. She draws dogs, she has dogs on her T-shirts, she even drags home neighbors’ dogs in the hopes that her parents will let them stay. On a walk to the park with her big brother, Hugh, Maxine stops every time she sees a dog, hoping for a kiss or a tail-wag from the four-footed friends she adores. Hugh and some of the pet owners she meets along the way teach Maxine how to know when it is safe to approach, how to greet, and what to do to ensure a happy experience for both child and canine.Whether they’re small or big dogs, working or guard dogs, old or young dogs, even aggressive dogs, Maxine learns how best to deal with each situation. And though she aches to have them all, she is about to find out that the best dog is her own dog — the squiggly surprise her parents have waiting for her.Written so that young children can learn to “read” dog language, the veterinarian-approved information is presented in a charming storyline that is sure to appeal to young children.

Emily’s Eighteen Aunts

All of Emily’s friends have someone special to take them to the ice cream parlor, or the ballet, or the park. Now that her mother is busy with the new baby, Emily doesn’t have anyone to entertain her — no uncles or big sisters or aunts. Emily sets out to solve her little difficulty and succeeds beyond her wildest dreams. The result is eighteen eager aunts, who cause mayhem wherever they go. If only they weren’t so. . .different. Now Emily has a much bigger problem. How can she stop the aunts from embarrassing her without hurting their feelings? Emily’s Eighteen Aunts is a warm, funny look at what happens when one thing leads to another — and another. And happily, Emily finds out that being different is far more fun than she thought possible.

My Mom Is So Unusual

“My Mom and I live alone. That makes our family different from the families of most of my friends.” A young girl and her unusual mother share affection, humor, sometimes anger, and more humor, and a whole lot of love. And because of her mother’s unusual ways, the youngster is content about their being an unusual family.