
A few things to know about Dylan. He is the only boy in his entire town. His best friends are two pet chickens. Criminal instincts run in his family. And one more small thing about nine-year-old Dylan—the crime of the century has just fallen into his lap.

The Strange Case of the Missing Sheep

In a place called Happy Valley, there live ten sheep. Every night, the ten sheep are counted into their beds by one Super Sheep Dog named Doug. But one day, the sheep are missing. Who could have stolen them? Might it be Wolf, who lives in the Dark Forest? And for what nefarious purpose? Does he want to knit them into a blanket? Bake them into a pie? Or maybe he wants to count them?

Clever Beatrice And The Best Little Pony

cleverEveryone knows that Beatrice of the north woods is clever. In this disarming companion to the award-winning Clever Beatrice, our heroine proves that she’s a pint-sized force to be reckoned with when she discovers that someone has been sneaking into the barn at night to ride her beloved pony. The village bread maker, who specializes in solving “things not easily explained,” claims he can help Beatrice, given enough time. But Beatrice doesn’t have time, so starts thinking herself.

The Faceless Ones

Valkyrie screamed, sprinting toward Skulduggery. He looked up and reached out to her, but it was too late. If you’ve read the other Skulduggery books by Derek Landy (and you really should have read them by now), you’ve seen it all before: Some bad guy wants to bring about the end of the world, and Skulduggery and Valkyrie fight valiantly to stop it from happening. A few people get hurt, sure, but everything’s all right in the end. Well, not this time.


The Dane as never seen before — in a daring, dazzling, sexy prose retelling of Shakespeare’s tragedy by best-selling author John Marsden.Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, but Hamlet can’t be sure what’s causing the stench. His rage at his mother’s infidelities — together with his greed for the sensual Ophelia and his dead father’s call to revenge a “murder most foul” — have his mind in chaos, and he wants to scatter his traitorous uncle’s insides across the fields. But was it really his father’s ghost that night on the ramparts, or a hell-fiend sent to trick him? “Action is hot,” he tells Ophelia, who lives shut up in a tower with her longings and lust. “Action is courage, and reflection is cowardly. Picking up the knife has the colors of truth. As soon as I hesitate. . . .” In this dark, erotically charged, beautifully crafted novel, John Marsden brings one of Shakespeare’s most riveting characters to full-blooded life in a narrative of intense psychological complexity.

Jellaby Vol. 1

Quiet, brilliant Portia has just moved to a new neighborhood with her mom. Adjusting to life without a father is hard enough, but school is boring and her classmates are standoffish — and even Portia’s mom is strangely distant. But things start looking up when Portia mounts a late-night excursion into the woods behind her house and discovers a shy, sweet-natured purple monster. Life with Jellaby is a lot more exciting, but Portia’s purple friend has secrets of his own; secrets that may even lead to the mystery of Portia’s father’s disappearance!

Dreamhunter (The Dreamhunter Duet, Book 1)

Laura comes from a world similar to our own except for one
difference: it is next to the Place, an unfathomable land that
fosters dreams of every kind and is inaccessible to all but a
select few, the Dreamhunters. These are individuals with special
gifts: the ability to catch larger-than-life dreams and relay them
to audiences in the magnificent dream palace, the Rainbow
Opera. People travel from all around to experience the benefits
of the hunters’ unique visions. Now fifteen-year-old Laura and
her cousin Rose, daughters of Dreamhunters, are eligible to test
themselves at the Place and find out whether they qualify for
the passage. But nothing can prepare them for what they are
about to discover. For within the Place lies a horrific secret kept
hidden by corrupt members of the government. And when
Laura’s father, the man who discovered the Place, disappears,
she realizes that this secret has the power to destroy everyone
she loves . . .In the midst of a fascinating landscape, Laura’s dreamy
childhood is ending and a nightmare beginning. This rich
novel, filled with beauty, danger, politics, and intrigue, comes to
a powerful crescendo, leaving readers clamoring for Book Two.

Strange Objects

During a school field trip, Steven discovers some gruesome relics from a seventeenth-century shipwreck and massacre–including the diary of a convicted murderer–and soon becomes obsessed with the past.