Oh Dear, Geoffrey!

Geoffrey is a very tall, very clumsy giraffe. He tries to make friends with the animals down on the ground, but he just trips, slips, and falls . . . usually flat on his face.Poor old Geoffrey tries everything to fit in, but it’s only when he realizes that his height can be an advantage that he stretches out his long neck and finds a host of friends in the trees. Soon he discovers he can find friends just by being himself.

Paul Meets Bernadette

Paul is a fish who used to go around in circles. He made big circles and little circles. He circled from left to right and from right to left. He circled from top to bottom and from bottom to top. What else was there to do? Until one day Bernadette drops in and shows Paul that there is a whole world out there, right outside his bowl, with so many things to see. A banana-shaped boat! A blue elephant with a spoutlike trunk (be quiet when she’s feeding her babies)! A lovely lunetta butterfly, with tortoise-shell rims!


Paper-over-board novelty book with ribbon that shows Oliver the egg on one side and Oliver the chick on the other in penultimate spread. “Oliver was an egg. There was nothing he could do about it.  He could roll to one side.  He could roll to the other.  He could even stand on his head.  But he was simply an egg and that was that.  Until one day, everything changed because miracles happen.”

There’s A Hole In My Bucket

A retelling of a German folksong about a bear unable to water his flowers because every attempt to repair the hole in his bucket only leads to further problems.