In a small Chinese village lives a baby elephant, Huan-huan. The evil Emperor issues an impossible puzzle: the villagers can save Huan-huan only if they can deduce how much it weighs. A child comes up with an ingenious, scientifically sound answer.
Catalog sorted by age group
Terrible Eek
A father’s fear of the terrible leak ultimately saves him from a thief and wolf.
Belching Hill
An old Japanese woman with a talent for making rice dumplings uses her wits to escape from a cavern filled with ogres.
Fox Maiden, The
A young fox who uses magic to change herself into human form learns that being true to herself is the best way to live.
White Tiger, Blue Serpent
When his mother’s beautiful brocade is snatched away by a greedy goddess, a young Chinese boy faces many perils as he attempts to get it back.
The Cricket’s Cage: A Chinese Folk Tale
Retells a Chinese folktale in which a clever and kindly cricket is responsible for designing the tower buildings for Beijing’s “Forbidden City.”
I Lost My Arrow In A Kankan Tree
Jako´no’s lost arrow leads to good fortune in this cumulative story set in Surinam.
Ling Cho And His Three Friends
The Magical Starfruit Tree: A Chinese Folktale
Kancil And The Crocodiles: A Tale From Malaysia
A mouse deer and a tortoise trick some hungry crocodiles into helping them cross a river but fail to plan for their getting back.