Morning Girl

Morning Girl, who loves the day, and her younger brother Star Boy, who loves the night, take turns describing their life on an island in pre-Columbian America; in Morning Girl’s last narrative, she witnesses the arrival of the first Europeans to her world.


El solo nombre Coquí evoca la dulce melodía de la ranita que tiene su hábitat en Puerto Rico. Libro hermosamente ilustrado que nos trae el canto nocturno del coquí y la melodía de reinitas, zorzales, gorriones, y ruiseñores, además del batir de alas de mariposas, acrobacias de lagartijos, un arcoiris, una rana con zapatos, un caballito de trapo y unos maizales que, en la imaginación de la autora, se convierten en niñitas con cabellos color de azafrán. Un desfile de ricas imágenes como sólo ésta sabe traer. Libro para enseñar a los pequeños y a los no tan pequeños el amor por la naturaleza y el vivir en armonía con ésta.

Cuba 15 (Readers Circle)

Violet Paz has just turned 15, a pivotal birthday in the eyes of her Cuban grandmother. Fifteen is the age when a girl enters womanhood, traditionally celebrating the occasion with a quinceañero. But while Violet is half Cuban, she’s also half Polish, and more importantly, she feels 100% American. Except for her zany family’s passion for playing dominoes, smoking cigars, and dancing to Latin music, Violet knows little about Cuban culture, nada about quinces, and only tidbits about the history of Cuba. So when Violet begrudgingly accepts Abuela’s plans for a quinceañero–and as she begins to ask questions about her Cuban roots–cultures and feelings collide. The mere mention of Cuba and Fidel Castro elicits her grandparents’sadness and her father’s anger. Only Violet’s aunt Luz remains open-minded. With so many divergent views, it’s not easy to know what to believe. All Violet knows is that she’s got to form her own opinions, even if this jolts her family into unwanted confrontations. After all, a quince girl is supposed to embrace responsibility–and to Violet that includes understanding the Cuban heritage that binds her to a homeland she’s never seen. This is Nancy Osa’s first novel.

From the Hardcover edition.

La Cucarachita Martina

A retelling of the folktale about the criollo cockroach who has many suitors but choses the gentlemanly mouse unaware of his weakness for food. At dinnertime during their first day of marriage, he cannot wait for the meal to be served and jumps into the boiling pot, subsequently dying.

Old Letivia And The Mountain Of Sorrows

Shunned by superstitious townspeople who are suspicious of her healing gifts, Old Letivia, a wisewoman who lives on the rainforest island of Borinquen, journeys into the forest with her two friends and encounters dangerous tests of her courage.

Don Vespertilio, el murciélago

Description in Spanish: Don Vespertilio es un murciélago que vivió hace muchos anos. Sin embargo, nos dejo sus memorias, en las que relata parte importante de la historia de Puerto rico desde un punto de vista muy particular. Aprenderás más sobre la vida de los murciélagos y del área del carso en este libro que une el cuento con la información y que te invita a explorar el mundo de la fantasía y de la naturaleza que nos rodea.

La Canción Del Coquí Y Otros Cuentos De Puerto Rico

Three Puerto Rican stories include the title story, which represents the land’s indigenous Tainos; the tale of la Guinea, which is rooted in the nation’s African culture; and la Mula’s tale, a story of Spanish origin.

Under The Royal Palms: A Childhood in Cuba

In this companion volume to Alma Flor Ada’s Where the Flame Trees Bloom, the author offers young readers another inspiring collection of stories and reminiscences drawn from her childhood on the island of Cuba. Through those stories we see how the many events and relationships she enjoyed helped shape who she is today. We learn of a deep friendship with a beloved dance teacher that helped sustain young Alma Flor through a miserable year in school. We meet relatives, like her mysterious Uncle Manolo, whose secret, she later learns, is that he dedicated his life to healing lepers. We share the tragedy of another uncle whose spirited personality leads to his love of flying…and the crash that takes his life. Heartwarming, poignant, and often humorous, this collection encourages children to discover the stories in their our own lives — stories that can help inform their own values and celebrate the joys and struggles we all share no matter where or when we grew up.

Join the discussion of Under the Royal Palms as well as other books by Alma Flor Ada in Margarita Engle on our My Take/Your Take page.