The Wind Singer (The Wind On Fire, Book 1)

After Kestrel Hath rebels against the stifling rules of Amaranth society and is forced to flee, she, along with her twin brother and a tagalong classmate, follow an ancient map in quest of the legendary silver voice of the wind singer, in an attempt to heal Amaranth and its people.

Slaves Of The Mastery (The Wind On Fire, Book 2)

Fifteen-year-old Bowman uses his newly-discovered powers to join with his twin sister Kestrel in an attempt to liberate their people from the “beautiful but cruel” civilization which has enslaved them. 50,000 first printing.

The Hunters

Determined to recover the Adomal and to prevent the pirate Zavac from doing more damage, Hal and his brotherband crew persue Zavac to the lawless fortress of Ragusa where, if Hal is to succeed, he will have to go beyond his brotherband training and face the pirate one-on-one in a fight to the finish.

The Singer Of All Songs (Chanters Of Tremaris Trilogy, Book 1)

Calwyn, a young priestess of ice magic, or chantment, joins with other chanters who have different magical skills to fight a sorcerer who wants to claim all powers for his own. Calvin knows nothing about the world beyond the Wall. She’s never seen the golden stone of the city of Kalysons or the wide waters of the Bay of Sardi. She knows only the rounds of her life a a novice ice priestess in Antaris, tending her bees, singing her chantments, and dreaming.

Seen And Not Heard

This is a big old house full of treasure, mystery, and stories. Here, just look up on the wall. See these beautiful paintings? These are children who used to live here long ago: the DeVillechild twins, the Pinksweet tots…My, they look like such good children. So very well behaved.

Mr. Postmouse’s Rounds

Mr. Postmouse has loaded up his wagon and is ready to deliver the mail. From the lofty heights of the Birds’ tree houses to the inky depths of Mrs. Octopus’s ship, the intrepid letter carrier lets nothing stand in the way of his deliveries. This is an introduction to the postal system and an imaginative survey of different types of homes.

The Tea Party In The Woods

When a young girl named Kikko realizes her father has forgotten the pie he was supposed to bring to Grandma’s house, she offers to try and catch him as he makes his way through the woods. She hurriedly follows her father’s footprints in the snow and happens upon a large house she has never seen before. Curious, Kikko peers through the window, when she is startled by a small lamb wearing a coat and carrying a purse. Even more surprising, the lamb speaks, asking her in a kind voice, Are you here for the tea party? Suddenly, Kikko realizes her trip through the woods has turned into something magical.


The story behind the epic bestseller Redwall. One late autumn evening, Bella of Brockhall snuggled deep in her armchair and told a story. It all began the day the soldiers from Kotir knocked on Ben Stickle’s door. Led by the ferret, Blacktooth, they had come for the family’s food supplies to swell the larders of the dark castle. And so it had been since the day Verdauga Greeneyes, king of wildcats, came down from the north and set himself up as tyrant ruler. Now the woodlanders lived a life of serfdom and cruelty.

Only You Can Save Mankind (Johnny Maxwell Trilogy)

Twelve-year-old Johnny endures tensions between his parents, watches television coverage of the Gulf War, and plays a computer game called Only You Can Save Mankind, in which he is increasingly drawn into the reality of the alien ScreeWee.