Innocent Heroes

This book consists of eight connected fictional stories about a Canadian platoon in WW1. The Storming Normans have help from some very memorable animals: we meet a dog who warns soldiers in the trench of a gas attack, a donkey whose stubbornness saves the day, a cat who saves soldiers from rat bites, and many more. Each story is followed by nonfiction sections that tell the true story of these animals from around the world and of the Canadian soldiers who took Vimy Ridge. Through the friendship that grows between three of these soldiers in particular, we get a close-up look at life in the trenches, the taking of Vimy Ridge, the bonds between soldiers and their animals and what it meant to be Canadian in WW I.

Life on Surtsey, Iceland’s Upstart Island

In this addition to the Scientists in the Field series, readers join scientists as they tackle something unusual in the world of ecosystems: colonization. Not a colonization by people, but one of cells, seeds, spores, and other life forms that blow in, fly in, float in, and struggle to survive on the beautiful but harsh new island of Surtsey.

Books! Books! Books! Explore The Amazing Collection Of The British Library

Calling all young bibliophiles! Peek inside the world’s greatest library and get the inside story on some of the rarest, oddest, most valuable, and best-loved books in its vaunted collection.

An Interactive Timeline Of History-Time Atlas

Travel through time and embark on a chronological journey, charting a brief history of the world and its inhabitants. From dinosaurs to DNA and from reed boats to rockets, this book celebrates the landmarks and inventions that have made our planet what it is today and poses the question: where do we go from here?

The People Shall Continue

Traces the progress of the Indians of North America from the time of the Creation to the present.

Further discussion of this book found in WOW Currents: Indigenous Children’s Literature: Stories Matter, Part IV.

Amazon Adventure

Part science, part carnival–this winding adventure down the Amazon River with award-winning author Sy Montgomery and photographer Keith Ellenbogen explores how tiny fish, called piabas, can help preserve not only the rainforest and it’s often misunderstood inhabitants, but the fate of our entire environment.

Crazy About Cats

Did you know that the fishing cat has partially webbed paws for catching fish? Or that pumas can leap over 15 feet into trees? There are roughly 38 species of cats today, each one superbly adapted to their environment – whether that be in the rainforest or the desert!