
Sixteen-year-old Raquel is living in a small town in Portugal, where she must learn to navigate the angst that often comes with being a teenager: her parent’s are divorced, her mother is always working and she doesn’t like her father’s new wife. After being suspended for cursing at a school aide, Raquel meets Pardalita, a gifted artist and senior at her school. As the two girls get to know each other Raquel soon falls in love.

Plasticus Maritimus: An Invasive Species

Inspired by biologist AnaPêgo’s life’s work, and filled with engaging science and colorful photographs, this foundational look at plastic pollution in the ocean explains why it is such an urgent contemporary issue.

Todos Fazemos Tudo

“We all do everything” disposes of words and instead becomes a game. The illustrations show different characters – men, women, young and old – engaging in a wide variety of activities. The split pages mean that, upon turning the separate parts, readers are able to make different combinations. It is possible to see all characters doing everything, meaning that, at least in this book, there are no prejudices or preconceived ideas. Everyone can do everything: grandparents go surfboarding, fathers hang out the washing, mothers do odd jobs, everything happens naturally.

Today I Feel . . .

Beautifully illustrated by Madalena Moniz’s subtle watercolors, Today I Feel . . . follows a child through a whole range of emotions, from adored to curious to strong. Not all of the emotions are positive and not all of them are simple, but they are all honest and worthy of discussion with a young child.

Vasco da Gama: Quest for the Spice Trade

Each colorful book in this series describes what an explorer’s life was really like on an expedition, from what they wore to what they ate, and includes colorful maps and images showing the areas explored; a look at the political climates of various countries that made explorers venture out into the unknown; and an examination of how explorers lived while on the high seas, on the trail, or in the encampment.

Nzingha: Warrior Queen Of Matamba, Angola, Africa, 1595 (The Royal Diaries)

Presents the diary of 13-year-old Nzingha, a 16th-century West African princess who loves to hunt and hopes to lead her kingdom one day against the invasion of the Portuguese slave traders.

Henry The Navigator

This book traces the beginnings of the European Age of Exploration through the sponsorship of voyages by Prince Henry of Portugal. Colorful photographs and maps trace the adventures of his explorers.