George Flies South

A little bird waiting in his nest for his mother to bring back food is blown into the sky, nest and all, by a great wind. Will he be able to fly? Autumn is coming, and George sits in his little nest, not quite ready to learn to fly even though his mom says it is time to head south for the winter. But when a gust of wind swoops George and his nest out of the tree and onto the roof of a car, George is off whether he likes it or not! With his mom following along chirping encouragement, George must gain the confidence to fly before his nest blows away entirely.

The Rooster Prince of Breslov

This picture book brings a light touch and engaging silliness to the story of a prince who rejects the lavish luxury of his upbringing in favor of a life as . . . a rooster. The only person who can persuade the prince to reconsider is neither a doctor nor a magician but a wise teacher who is willing to become a rooster too.

Nature Adventures

Nature Adventures is a treasure trove of activities, information, observation, pictures and poetry, featuring habitats such as town and city, woodland and headgerow, ponds and rivers, moorland and seaside. And even including car journeys. This is a unique and inspirational book that will encourage families everywhere to explore the beauty and diversity of the natural world.

My Two Grandads

Aston’s Grandad Roy played in a steel band and Grandad Harry played the trumpet in a brass band. Aston always enjoyed going to visit them and listen to them practice. But soon he wanted to join in. So he asked Grandad Roy to teach him to play the steel drums and then he asked Grandad Harry to teach him to play the trumpet. He loved practicing both instruments. Then the school needs a band to play at the school fair, and both grandads want their own band to play. Finally Aston had an idea – both bands join together to make one big band, and Aston joins in first on steel drums and then on trumpet. This story of a mixed-race family reconciling their cultures is a celebration of diversity. Written by one of Britain’s foremost campaigners and media personalities and illustrated by a highly regarded illustrator, this book is sure to build on the success of My Two Grannies.

J. R. R. Tolkien

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien’s novels were strongly influenced by his childhood both in South Africa, where lions prowled and wild beasts roamed, and in the English countryside, where he imagined that elves and gnomes dwelled. J. R. R. Tolkien wrote many stories, studied languages–even inventing one of his own–and founght bravely in World War I. He wrote The Hobbit, a children’s book about a courageous creature with pointed ears and furry feet, which was an instant success. His next book, The Lord of the Rings, made Tolkien, an ordinary man with an extraordinary imagination, one of the world’s most beloved authors.


Batty’s efforts to impress visitors at the zoo fail, but he is determined to be popular like the other animals. First he goes to the penguin pool but the water is cold and he doesn’t like fish. Then he tries the gorilla enclosure but he doesn’t have any fleas for the gorillas to pick off him. He tries to laze in the sun with the lions but its far too bright for his sensitive eyes. When eventually he returns to his bat cave he finds that everyone else is trying to be like him, hanging upside down. This clever and witty story is brought to life with Batty’s upside down view of his surroundings, involving the reader in turning the book upside down with him.