With tender illustrations and prose as warm as a parent’s embrace, this love poem from a baby bear to his mother celebrates the simple activities—such as reading, playing, and eating together—that are so important to a growing child’s development. Now available in a Spanish-English edition, Only You also includes a note from esteemed pediatrician and author Perri Klass.
Picture Book
Vamos, Vamos, Camiones! (Spanish Edition)
Sports car! (¡Coche deportivo!) Fire truck! (¡Camión de bomberos!)Jumbo jet! (¡Avión jumbo!) Sailboat! (¡Barco de vela!) Young children will love the colorful illustrations of speedy cars, tough trucks, zooming planes and busy boats! Simon Hart’s eye-catching artwork and the simple text in Spanish and English are perfect for little tots just learning to read and understand a second language .
Pin Pin Sarabin
Spot Va Al Parque
Spot and his friends, Helen and Tom, enjoy a fun-filled day at the park, in a Spanish-language version of the popular picture book.
De La Cabeza A Los Pies: Head To Toe (Spanish Edition)
¡Puedo hacerlo! es el mensaje alentador que transmite a los niÑos este divertido libro interactivo ilustrado. Una diversidad de animales conocidos, representados a travÉs de collages Ilenos de color, invita a los pequeÑos a imitar sus travesuras moviendo la cabeza y las caderas, dando palmadas y golpes en el suelo o simplemente moviendo los dedos del pie.
Los movimientos sugeridos en este libro han sido cuiclaclosamente escogidos de manera que sirvan como ejercicios para cada una de las partes del cuerpo. Mientras juegan, los niÑos adquirirÁn destrezas importantes como escuchar con cuiclado, concentrarse, comprencler la palabra hablada, seguir instrucciones, aceptar retos y controlar los movirnientos cle sus cuerpos.
Las risas cle placer no dejaraÁn de oirse mientras los niÑos (¡y los mayores tambiÉn!) participan en el juego.
“La alegrÍa y el placer de aprender y de crecer siempre son parte de los libros de Eric Carle. De la cabeza a los pies no es una excepciÓn, pero quizÁ sea excepcional por el hecho de que insta a los niÑos a ‘moverse’ literalmente a medida que leen el libro. Ahora, ademÁs de escuchar, imaginar, descubrir, sentir y pensar, los niÑos pueden ser parte de la acciÓn. Es como si Eric Carle dijera a su manera, ‘Ven a jugar conmigo'”.
Table, Chair, Bear: A Book in Many Languages
Twenty-one objects from a child’s bedroom that are identified here in English, Arabic, Cambodian, Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean, Lao, Navajo, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Every word is spelled out phonetically as well as in the thirteen languages.
La Senorita Runfio (Picture Puffins)
Great-aunt Runfio was once a little girl who loved the sea, longed to visit faraway places, and wished to do something to make the world more beautiful.
Un Regalo De Gracias: La Leyenda De La Altagracia (Spanish Edition)
After their olive crop fails, Maria fears that her family will have to abandon their farm on the new island colony. Then, one night she dreams of a mysterious and beautiful lady shrouded by trees with branches hung with hundreds of little suns. They are oranges like the ones Maria’s parents once ate in their homeland, Valencia, Spain. That very day, Maria and her family plant the seeds that soon yield a magnificent orange grove and save the farm. But who was the mysterious lady who appeared in her dream and will Maria ever find her again to say gracias?