How Maui Slowed The Sun (Kolowalu Book)

Recounts how Maui uses his magical powers to slow the path of the sun across the sky, thus allowing crops more time to grow, fishermen more time to fish, and children more time to play.

Lehua: A Legend of Old Hawaii

This legend tells of a young girl’s journey to dispel a curse cast upon her for saving the life of a pig. Lehua, the heroine of the story, and ‘Ehu, the pig, travel far distances to solve a riddle that can break the curse. Includes glossary of Hawaiian terms.

Hawaiian Legends Of Dreams

Moe‘uhane, the Hawaiian word for dream, means “soul sleep.” While sleeping, Hawaiians of old believed they communicated with ‘aumakua, their ancestral guardians, and this important relationship was sustained through dreaming. In this companion volume to her award-winning Hawaiian Legends of the Guardian Spirits, artist Caren Loebel-Fried retells and illuminates nine dream stories from Hawai‘i’s past.

Aloha Is…

Learn the various meanings of the word “aloha” while enjoying the beautiful illustrations and sing-song rhymes that grace the pages of “Aloha is…” A delightful and playful look at our island home and what it means to live aloha each day. Beginning reader book: 2 to 7 years of age.

Hoomalamalama: A Hawaiian Language Primer

Learn Hawaiian words and numbers, practice your pronunciation, locate hidden objects, then test your newfound skills with a word puzzle. Each page includes a vocabulary list, pronunciation guide, activity, and English translation. Fun for all ages!