Here In The Garden

A tender picture book about loss, love and friendship. As the seasons change, a young boy shares the magic of his garden with a special friend. Here in the Garden is a personal tale from Briony’s life and shows that you can always find your way back to a loved one through your heart and memories.


When one big-eyed chick fails to yank its prize worm from the ground, it’s time to bring in a friend—and then another, and another. But if adding a rooster to the crew still doesn’t do the trick, could it be that a worm isn’t always what it seems?

Jessica’s Box

Will Jessica find a friend at school? It’s not easy when you’re shy, so every day she brings her cardboard box filled with something different to share. Until, finally, she discovers that all she truly needs to share is herself. Jessica’s Box will capture the heart of every child, parent, teacher, and friend.


Guy Haydon raised and trained Midnight from the time she was a foal. The two had such a strong bond that when World War I broke out, Lieutenant Haydon slipped away from the frontlines of Gallipoli on an Egypt-bound ship to reunite with his horse. There, in the city of Beersheba, on October 31, 1917, two regiments of the Australian Light Horse Brigade took part in one of the last great cavalry charges in history. Among the first to leap the enemy trenches was Lieutenant Guy Haydon, riding Midnight—who succumbed to a bullet that might have otherwise killed her rider.

Sand Swimmers: The Secret Life of Australia’s Desert Wilderness

In the center of Australia lies a strange desert wilderness called the Dead Heart. It is difficult to imagine anything can exist in such a forbidding place. But the Dead Heart contains amazing stories of adaptation and survival. Follow in the footsteps of early explorers like Charles Sturt and learn what the indigenous people of Australia have long known: not all is quite as it seems.

Bilby: Secrets of an Australian Marsupial

In the hostile Australian desert, a mother bilby gives birth to a baby. Nestled in a burrow deep underground, she cares for her little one. Soon he must grow up and learn to survive in a harsh environment. Nature-loving readers can follow the story of this elusive marsupial, learning its secrets even as it burrows out of sight.

Big Red Kangaroo

In the center of Australia, the sun is setting over the baked earth, and Red Kangaroo stirs from his rest. It’s breakfast time, and Red must lead his mob of kangaroos off to find grasses for grazing. But Red is also on the watch for young male kangaroos who are ready to challenge him and try to take his place as leader. Striking illustrations set the mood for a compelling, fact-filled story of red kangaroos in the wilds of Australia.

Once a Shepherd

Here is the tale of Tom Shepherd, tending his lambs and shearing their fleece and wooing his sweetheart, who weaves the sheep’s wool to make him a coat. But then the Great War comes, and Tom must leave his beloved wife and his unborn child and go off to fight.

Featured in WOW Review Volume X, Issue 2.

Every Breath

When James Mycroft drags Rachel Watts off on a night mission to the Melbourne Zoo, the last thing she expects to find is the mutilated body of Homeless Dave, one of Mycroft’s numerous eccentric friends. But Mycroft’s passion for forensics leads him to realize that something about the scene isn’t right, and he wants Watts to help him investigate the murder. While Watts battles her attraction to bad-boy Mycroft, he’s busy getting himself expelled and clashing with the police, becoming murder suspect number one. When Watts and Mycroft unknowingly reveal too much to the cold-blooded killer, they find themselves in the lion’s den, literally. A trip to the zoo will never have quite the same meaning to Rachel Watts again.