I, Galileo

I, Galileo Galilei, am old and can no longer see, but there was a time I saw all the way to the stars–the moon, the planets, the sun.  Their movements showed me a truth so profound, it changed our view of the entire universe.  A truth so unpopular, it would get me into a world of trouble.

Galileo’s inventions and insights were so great that Einstein called him the “father of modern science.”  But in his own time, Galileo’s idea of a sun-centered solar system was considered radical and even dangerous–he was branded a heretic, imprisoned in his ome, and banned from discussing science with anyone.  In this inspired biopgraphy, Bonnie Christensen lets Galileo himself tell the tale–and his genial narration makes this giant of science feel more real and accessible than ever before.  Lavishly illustrated in rich jewel tones, this is a perfect introduction to a most remarkable man.

Mexico (Cultures of the World)

Provides comprehensive information on the geography, history, wildlife, governmental structure, economy, cultural diversity, peoples, religion, and culture of Mexico.

Guan Yu: Blood Brothers To The End

Guan Yu, an ancient Chinese warrior, fights side by side with his blood brothers Liu Bei and Zhang Fei to squash the menacing Yellow Scarves. He defends his country and his honor, but his troubles are just beginning. All over China, opponents post grave challenges, each one more trying than the last. Will Guan Yu prevail against the forces that threaten him?  Or will the obstacles prove too much for even the brave warrior?

Isabella of Castile

In a twist on the classic fairy tale, a princess in 15th-century Spain refused to wait to be rescued by a prince and instead chose one for herself. Even then, she would not marry him until they’d reached an agreement that was revolutionary for her time—their marriage was an equal partnership captured in the motto “To stand as high, as high to stand, Isabella and Ferdinand.” This book tells Isabella of Castile’s story with sections on the clothes she wore, the foods she ate, and why she is remembered today. Without her, both Spain and the United States would not exist in their current forms.

Qutlugh Terkan Khatun of Kirman

This book presents information about the life of the fourteenth-century Persian noblewoman who was captured and sold into slavery as a child, but whose intelligence, beauty, and compassion led her to become princess, and eventually sole ruler of Kirman after the death of her husband.