Besos Cucu

In this Spanish-language edition of the ever-popular Peekaboo Kisses, a colorful array of animals is eagerly waiting to play peekaboo. Complete with flaps to lift, a squeaker to press, and a peek-at-yourself mirror at the end, this touchable, smoochable new book is loaded with fun, surprises, and plenty of besos.

Que Te Gusta? (Spanish: What Do You Like?)

Children discover that they can like the same things and still be different. Spanish language edition.

No Te Rias De Mi / Don’t Laugh At Me (Reading Rainbow Books)

Originally published in 2002, DON’T LAUGH AT ME became an instant classic of child empowerment. Since then, the Don’t Laugh At Me programs have been adopted by dozens of school districts across the United States. Now with a Spanish edition, readers can further spread the book’s unforgettable message of acceptance and pride to stop the cycle of teasing.

Yo, Naomi Leon

Naomi Soledad Leon Outlaw has had a lot to contend with in her young life, her name for a start. Then, there are her clothes (sewn in polyester by Gram), her difficulty speaking up, and her status at school as “nobody special.” But according to Gram, most problems can be overcome with positive thinking. And with Gram and her little brother, Owen, life at Avocado Acres Trailer Rancho in California is happy and peaceful…until their mother reappears after seven years, stirring up all sorts of questions and challenging Naomi to discover who she really is.

Spanish title: Yo, Naomi Leon

Naomi Soledad Leon Outlaw ha tenido que enfrentarse a mucho en su corta vida, empezando por su nombre. Tambien esta el problema de su ropa (hechas por su abuela en tela de poliester), su timidez y la fama que tiene en la escuela de no ser nadie especial. Pero segun su abuela, la mayoria de los problemas se solucionan con mentalidad positiva. Y su vida, junto a su abuela y su pequeno hermano, Owen, en el parque de casas moviles Avocado Acres, es tranquila y feliz… hasta que su mama aparece luego de siete anos, creando confusion y retando a Naomi a que averigue quien es.

Young Zorro (Spanish Edition): El Joven Zorro: La Marca De Hierro

De niño, a Diego le interesaba más montar a caballo y hacer travesuras con su mejor amigo, Bernardo, que luchar contra la injusticia. No obstante, cuando comienzan a desaparecer algunos hombres del pueblo de los Ángeles y ganado del rancho del padre de Diego, él y Bernardo se topan con una injusticia tan grande que tienen que tomar acción.

Inspirada en la novela Zorro de Isabel Allende, que narra cómo Diego de la Vega se convirtió en el legendario héroe enmascarado, El joven Zorro: La marca de hierro introduce a los lectores a una tierra de vaqueros y secuestradores: un mundo lleno de emociones en el que se forma el joven héroe.

Where The Wild Things Are (Spanish Edition): Donde Viven Los Monstruos (Historias Para Dormir)

Maurice Sendak’s beloved Where the Wild Things Are, winner of the 1964 Caldecott Medal, is now available in a newly revised Spanish edition exclusive to Harper Arco Iris. Spanish speakers and listeners will now be able to join Max as he sets sail and becomes king of all Wild Things.