My Family and I / Mi Familia y Yo (English and Spanish Foundations Series) (Book #4) (Bilingual) (Board Book)

Teach children the all-important concept of family in these heartwarming pages of colorful and charming illustrations. Come along with Emma as she introduces all the members of her family while teaching the words for different relations, such as mother, father, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc. There’s a helpful pronunciation guide in the back of the book. Written by Gladys Rosa-Mendoza and illustrated by Jackie Snider.

Grandma Francisca Remembers (What Was It Like Grandma?)

An Hispanic grandmother relates family and cultural history to her granddaughter in her San Francisco, California, apartment as she tells of growing up in New Mexico.

Quinito’s Neighborhood/El vecindario de Quinito

Quinito not only knows everyone in his neighborhood, he also knows that each person in his community has different, important occupation.

Sumario en español: Quinto sabe que su vecindad consiste en mas que edificios, calles y tienda. Todos los vecinos tienen trabajos importantes y cada amigo y vecino sabe y valora cada uno.

Grandma Susan Remembers

A grandmother from an old Maine family that came to America from England generations ago relates family and cultural life to her grandchildren as they enjoy various traditions of the New England seacoast.

The Rattlesnake Who Went to School

On his first day of school, Crowboy pretends he is a rattlesnake, but then he meets a girl in his class who wants to be a rattlesnake too.