Verde Navidad / Green Christmas (Nueve Pececitos, Raices / Nine Small Fishes, Roots) (Spanish Edition)

Juanito, Victoria and Adelita can’t wait for Three King’s Day. Grandma Cheli brings shoeboxes for them to fill with fresh, green grass for the Kings’ horses, but there isn’t a single blade to be found growing in the city. The children are ready to give up, when their father suggests a creative solution to their problem.

Digby Differs

Digby has always felt a little different from everyone else. For some reason he’s just never felt like he belonged. He longs for a place that felt like home, and one day his yearning sends him on a journey of discovery that takes him to a place where the air is different, and there’s a rushing sound quite unlike anything he’s ever heard before. At last, he finds a place where ”feeling different” feels just right.

A Year Around The Great Oak

OakBenjamin and Anna love staying with their cousin Robin in his house near the forest. In the autumn, Robin takes them to see his favourite tree–a giant oak that is 300 years old. The children build a den under the oak tree’s giant branches and watch the squirrels hide acorns in its wide trunk.

In the winter they ski through the forest and meet the foresters who chose which trees will become firewood this year–but not their beautiful oak tree!

In the spring the children go searching for badgers and see many animals that live in the forest–nesting birds, gentle deer and shy rabbits. One night, the tree helps Benjamin when he discovers a creature he didn’t expect. How can the children say thank you?

Jumping Penguins And Laughing Hyenas

If a camel gets angry, he will throw up green gastric juice over you. A sloth moves so slowly that green algae grows in his fur. Even a blind chameleon takes the color of its surroundings. Bologna Ragazzi Award winner Marije Tolman, creator of The Tree House and The Island, illustrates in her distinctive style curious, funny, bizarre, unbelievable, disgusting and weird facts about fifty different animals. The animal facts are straightforward nonfiction, Marije Tolman’s illustrations are pure fantasy, creating a combination that is sure to engage readers.

How Much Does The Gray In An Elephant Weigh?

The wonder and variety of various zoo animals is explored in this book as full of questions as Kipling’s Elephant’s Child. From an elephant to a peacock, a rhinoceros to a flamingo, an inquisitive child and his grandfather visit and ponder each animal.