Passing By

Yael peeks out from her balcony and sees everything that’s happening in the street below, from the cat in the garden next door to a big red tractor chugging down the road; finally, she sees the best thing–her dad on his way home!

Paper Bird

A drawing of a bird tries without success to learn to fly, until the artist completes his original design and makes flight possible for it.

Peter the Great

A biography of the tsar who began the transformation of Russia into a modern state in the late seventeenth-early eighteenth centuries.

No Monsters Here

It’s bedtime.  This little boy is ready to climb the stairs and say goodnight.  But father isn’t ready at all.  He’s afraid of monsters;  he doesn’t want to be left alone downstairs.

This brave lad knows how to handle Father.  He’ll patiently lead his parent through the bedtime routine.  Naturally the boy won’t mind looking in the closet, behind the drapes and everywhere in between if it will make his anxious father feel better.  The boy will cheerfully hop into bed for a bedtime story.  And he’ll say, after a final hug, “I’ll hear you if you need me in the night.”  Father should feel much better now.  But what’s going to happen when he has to go downstairs alone?

Maybe there are monsters in the house after all.  But can you guess what they are really after? A reassuring story for confident children and timid parents everywhere.

Bagel’s Lucky Hat

Bagel has lost his lucky hat! His friend Becky helps him retrace his steps, but the story he tells her of the day’s adventures laughing fishes? a mad scientist? a space-traveling robot? is far too silly to be believed. Or is it? Coupled with zany illustrations by underground comic book artist Dave Cooper, this whimsical tale is sure to be a favorite for any kid whose imagination sometimes runs wild.