Apricots Tomorrow

To understand a people, acquaint yourself with their proverbs’ runs an Arab adage, and here are the books that do just that. The popular Apricots Tomorrow, a selection of sayings from the Gulf region, is joined by sister titles The Son of a Duck is a Floater and Unload your own Donkey which draws on sayings from the Maghreb and Levant. Paralleling age-old Arabic sayings with English equivalents, the proverbs highlight the uncanny similarity of inherited wisdom in both East and West.

This book has been featured in our Middle East and South Asia Arabic Language and Culture Kit.

Sami and the Time of the Troubles

A ten-year-old Lebanese boy balances his life in a war-torn city.

This book has been included in WOW’s Kids Taking Action Booklist. For our current list, visit our Boolist page under Resources in the green navigation bar.

My Name Is Bilal

When Bilal and his sister transfer to a school where they are the only Muslims, they must learn how to fit in while staying true to their beliefs and heritage.

Dancing with Dziadziu

A young girl shares her ballet dancing with her dying grandmother, and the grandmother shares memories of her family’s immigration from Poland and of dancing with the girl’s grandfather.

See the review at WOW Review, Volume 3, Issue 2

The King’s Secret: The Legend of King Sejong

Chosun Dynasty had a wise King Sejong. When a humble servant boy tells of his longing to read and write, King Sejong sets out to create a simple yet beautiful way to write the Korean language. The people reject the new way of writing–until the boy gives the king another grand idea.

Sun and Moon

This Korean version of Little Red Riding Hood is a pourquoi for the sun and moon creation. The boy and girl become the sun and the moon after the life-threatening tiger is killed. The tiger is as greedy as the wolf in western version of Little Red Riding Hood.

My Freedom Trip: A Child’s Escape from North Korea

The story of a young girl’s escape from North Korea, based on the life of the authors’ mother.