The Flying Bed

An original fairy tale about a poor baker who finds a beautiful bed for his wife in a strange new shop–for free! Perhaps his bad luck has turned? But there are more wonders in store, for the bed has magical powers. That night, the couple flies across the heavens to meet a master baker who gives them some magic yeast that will make them the best–and richest–bakery in town! But the yeast comes with a promise that will test the baker’s integrity, and will eventually teach the baker and his wife about the true riches of love and loyalty.

Junk Collector School

Junk is the world’s best free stuff. Anybody who’s part detective and part collector can put together a collection in no time. Jake really knows his junk. His house is filled with the most amazing collections of it. Andy wants a collection of his own, which is why he goes to Jake’s Junk Collector School.

The Day the Stones Walked

Pico’s father isn’t like the other fathers on Easter Island. Instead of building boats or hunting octopus, he sculpts the giant stone figures that he believes, in times of trouble, will rise and walk. Impossible, thinks Pico, until the Great Wave crashes into the island and Pico experiences firsthand the wonder of the stones. In this tale of faith and the humbling power of nature, T. A. Barron and William Low envision life as it might have been on the mysterious Easter Island . . . before the stones became the island’s only inhabitants.

A Song for Ba

In the Chinese opera, men traditionally sing both male and female parts. Wei Lim’s father, Ba, however, usually plays masculine characters and sings in a deep bass voice. But Wei’s grandfather played female roles, and has secretly taught Wei to sing these difficult parts. When the New World’s entertainments begin to cause a shrinking audience for the opera company, Ba is forced to play female characters.

Mini Mia and Her Darling Uncle

Mini Mia loves her Uncle Tommy. They hang out in coffee bars, go for walks, swim and do other fun stuff. But one day Fergus appears in her uncle’s kitchen. Mini Mia does not want to share Tommy with his new boyfriend. She thinks Fergus should go back to where he came from in Scotland. But Fergus doesn’t disappear that easily.

Tyger! Tyger!

Tyger! Tyger! is a moving fable that expresses hope for harmony between the human and the animal worlds. It draws its inspiration from real life–a Buddhist monastery in Thailand that has for years provided sanctuary for one of the world’s most endangered animals, the beautiful Indo-Chinese tiger.

I Very Really Miss You

Sam’s big brother Ben is going away on a school trip for an entire week and Sam is thrilled: for one whole week he can play with all the toys and have the whole bedroom to himself. What’s more, he certainly won’t be getting squirted by Ben’s water pistol. But it’s too quiet without Ben, so Sam writes his brother to say he “very really” misses him.

Hedgehog, Pig, and the Sweet Little Friend

It’s a quiet evening at Hedgehog’s house, until there’s a squeak at the gate. Someone’s outside who wants to come in. It’s dark and the hour is late. It’s someone who’s lost and wants to go home, someone who can’t find the way. “Come in,” invites Hedgehog, “come in and sit down. Tomorrow will be a new day.”

I Love You, Little Monkey

Little Monkey is being naughty. So Big Monkey gets very angry and Little Monkey ends up very sad.But even though Big Monkey doesn’t always like the naughty things Little Monkey does, one thing is clear:Big Monkey loves Little Monkey. Always.

Yes We Can!

Little Roo and his friends usually have a great time playing together, but not today. They are too busy making fun of each other. When everyone is left in bad moods, Little Roo’s wise mother comes up with an idea that might just help the threesome make amends.