Deron Goes to Nursery School

Deron Goes to Nusery School is a title in the First Experiences series, a vivid new series portraying young children’s very first experiences of nursery school, time with grandparents, and other events. The first time for anything can be daunting, and these books set out to familiarize children, through simple read-aloud words and beautiful photos, with what seems at first unfamiliar but will eventually become a routine part of everyday life. Set in and photographed in Ghana in West Africa, these beautiful books brilliantly capture these universal early childhood experiences from the relatively unusual and revealing perspective of a country in the developing world. In Deron Goes to Nusery School, Deron watches his mother make his new school clothes. The next day he goes with her to the school and meets his new teacher, who shows him around the school and introduces him to the other children. Playing, singing, writing, eating lunch, resting, and listening to a story are all part of Deron’s exciting first day, and at the end he can’t wait to go back tomorrow. Written and photographed by an award-winning author, this is a uniquely heart-warming book to share with all young children.

Grandma Comes to Stay

In Grandma Comes to Stay, three-year-old Stephanie helps her mother tidy up, go shopping at the market, and cook in preparation for Grandma’s stay. When she arrives, Grandma gives Stephanie a box of pencils and reads her favorite book. The next day she shows Stephanie how to tie a head-dress, and Stephanie shows Grandma how to kick a ball, play with dolls, and bang a drum. At bedtime Grandma tells her a wonderful story, and when Grandma leaves the next morning Stephanie says, “Come back soon, Grandma!” Written and photographed by an award-winning author, this is a uniquely heartwarming book to share with all young children.

Anansi the Spider: A Tale From the Ashanti (An Owlet Book)

Anansi the Spider is one of the great folk heroes of the world. He is a rogue, a mischief-maker, and a wise, lovable creature who triumphs over larger foes. In this traditional Ashanti tale, Anansi sets out on a long, difficult journey. Threatened by Fish and Falcon, he is saved from terrible fates by his sons. But which of his sons should Anansi reward? Calling upon Nyame, the God of All Things, Anansi solves his predicament in a touching and highly resourceful fashion. In adapting this popular folktale, Gerald McDermott merges the old with the new, combining bold, rich color with traditional African design motifs and authentic Ashanti language rhythms.

One Hen: How One Small Loan Made a Big Difference

OneHenInspired by true events, One Hen tells the story of Kojo, a boy from Ghana who turns a small loan into a thriving farm and a livelihood for many.

This book has been included in WOW’s Kids Taking Action Booklist. For our current list, visit our Boolist page under Resources in the green navigation bar.

The Door of No Return

Zac Baxter’s grandfather has always told him that he’s the descendant of African kings, whose treasure was stolen when his ancestors were sold into slavery. Of course, Zac brushes this off as a tall tale — until his grandfather is murdered and their apartment is completely ransacked. Clearly somebody is after something. Heeding his grandfather’s dying words, Zac is off to Ghana to track down his family’s history. Following every clue he can find, Zac begins to suspect that the treasure is real, and hidden in one of Ghana’s old slave forts. Too bad the killers always seem to be one step ahead of him. With no one he can trust and with everything to lose, Zac races against time as he tries to uncover the truth about the past and a fortune in gold.

Pretty Salma: A Little Red Riding Hood Story from Africa

When Granny asks Pretty Salma to go to the market one day, she warns her not to talk to strangers. But cunning Mr. Dog tricks Salma, and before she knows it, he’s wearing her stripy ntama, her pretty white beads, and her yellow sandals. And he’s on his way to Granny’s house! African culture and flavor infuse this inventive retelling of a favorite fairy tale, and the vibrant lively illustrations bring it to life. The result is a story that combines new and old and spans cultures as successfully as it has spanned the centuries.

Kwajo And The Brassman’s Secret

A tale of old Ashanti wisdom and gold. Kwajo lives in Ghana. Ghana is country in West Africa. The Ashantis live here. Many years ago, Ashanti was a powerful kingdom. Ashanti is also very influential in Ghana today. The Ashantis were and are famous as courageous warriors, able merchants and artists, above all as woodcarvers, weavers, goldsmiths, drummers and dancers.Formerlyr, the Ashantis owned a lot of gold. They paid with gold dust. The gold dust was weighted on scales. The weights consisted of small, exquisite figurines. Every figurine represented someting different. These figurines were called gold weights and they were cast in bronze.

Crazy Diamond

That’s Mira M. And this is the story of her unforgettable life — as a kid alone in a junkyard tire swing, to her escape from Croatia at age 9 in a Marshall amp road case in the rear of her uncle Lou’s van. A musician, he hands her the key to her future: a guitar. When she’s 14, Mira meets Melody, Rosa and Jackson, three teens who stow away from Ghana in a ship-ping container and end up — to their surprise — in Hamburg, Germany. What stories they have! And what a story the four of them, plus Kralle (a little older and wiser) and Zucka (the record producer’s son), share on the way to the fame that all of them covet — except Mira, even after the MTV Awards show in Barcelona. Her song lyrics tell her truth. But are they her lyrics? Her music? She swears so. But who listens, now that she’s 18 — and dead?