Bright Star

With the combination of powerful, spare language and sumptuous, complex imagery characteristic of her work, Yuyi Morales weaves the tale of a fawn making her way through a landscape that is dangerous, beautiful—and full of potential. A gentle voice urges her onward, to face her fears and challenge the obstacles that seek to hold her back.

Training Day (El Toro And Friends)

Task #1: Getting out of bed. Usually that’s not so hard, but being the champion luchador isn’t easy. Today, El Toro is feeling uninspired. But his coach, Kooky Dooky, knows that practice makes better and it’s important for El Toro to stay in shape and keep training!

Tag Team (El Toro And Friends)

After last night’s match, the stadium is a mess! There is so much work to be done and Mexican wrestling star El Toro feels overwhelmed. Enter . . . La Oink Oink! With the collaborative spirit they have in the ring, El Toro and La Oink Oink tackle the cleaning up together. La Oink Oink sweeps and El Toro picks up the trash. La Oink Oink washes the dishes, and El Toro dries them.

Butterfly Yellow

The day after Hằng arrives in Texas from a refugee camp, she goes in search of her younger brother who was mistakenly taken from her arms to a plane during the fall of Saigon six years earlier. She has carried the heavy guilt of his separation ever since. When she finally finds him, her brother wants nothing to do with her, insisting he does not remember Vietnam. Hằng takes a job on a nearby ranch, determined to find a way into her brother’s memories and life. LeeRoy, an aspiring cowboy, becomes entangled in Hằng’s search for redemption and in the gradual revelation of her deep and painful secret.

Butterfly Yellow is a WOW Recommends: Book of the Month for October 2020.

Featured in WOW Review Volume XIII, Issue 2.

Dreamland Burning

Rowan Chase is a biracial black 17-year-old from a wealthy family whose life changes when the skeleton of a murdered man is discovered underneath the home that her family has owned for nearly a century. The mystery of the dead man connects Rowan to William Tillman, born to a white father and an Osage Indian mother and 17 years old in 1921. Dreamland Burning juxtaposes Rowan and Will’s narratives, revealing parallels between the past with the Tulsa Race Riots and the present with modern day racism.

Dreamland Burning is a WOW Recommends: Book of the Month for May 2017.

Donde Las Maravillas Crecen/ Where Wonder Grows (First Concepts In Mexican Folk Art) (Spanish Edition)

Three girls follow their grandmother into her garden, where they examine her collection of rocks, crystals, shells, and meteorites and learn about the marvels they reveal.

Powwow Day

Because she has been very ill and weak, River cannot join in the dancing at this year’s tribal powwow, she can only watch from the sidelines as her sisters and cousins dance the celebration–but as the drum beats she finds the faith to believe that she will recover and dance again.

Parlamento De Lechuzas / The Witch Owl Parliament

Resurrected by her brother using a forbidden combination of alchemy and engineering, apprentice curandera Cristina vows to protect the Republic of Santander against the lechuzas terrorizing immigrants and plaguing the country.