The Beautiful Butterfly

After choosing a husband for his sweet singing voice, a beautiful butterfly mourns the fact that he is swallowed by a fish, until a king in his underwear reunites the two.

Babar’s World Tour

Babar and his family take a trip around the world.

Squash It!

After the king of Spain is bitten by a louse, he proclaims that it cannot be killed as it now has royal blood, and when the louse dies, he has it made it into a guitar and has a contest, making others guess what his unique guitar is made of.

Tapicero Tap Tap

On a hot day in a sleepy village in Spain, Tapicero Tap Tap tells his nieces and nephews about how his dreams of travel were robbed by war, but he has found solace among the family and friends of the village, and joy in living a productive life.