The Thingamajig

When Little Elephant’s parent loses an object whose name they can’t quite recall, Little Elephant embarks on a mission to find it. Along the way, they discover that other animals in the neighborhood have also misplaced their belongings—a snail’s hoo-pull-dee-pewp, a squirrel’s shis-moo, and even the ladybugs’ ha-bee ja-bee. As Little Elephant delves deeper into the mystery, they encounter a series of amusing scenarios and quirky characters. Is there a mischievous thief behind the disappearances, or is there a simpler explanation for the missing items?

With playful language and charming illustrations, “The Thingamajig” is filled with humor and creativity. It also offers an educational and entertaining experience for children and adults alike.

The Boy Who Tried To Shrink His Name

When Zimdalamashkermishkada starts a new school, he decides to shrink his name to the shorter, simpler Zim, but when his new friend Elly sees him for who he truly is, Zimdalamashkermishkada finds the confidence to step proudly into his long name.

Room For More

When afire sweeps through the Australian bush, wombats Dig and Scratch are glad to have a cool, damp burrow to keep them safe. But Dig notices that other animals are not so lucky. When Dig invites a wallaby mother and her joey to shelter with them, Scratch grumbles. When Dig beckons to a koala, Scratch complains. And when Dig welcomes in a tiger snake, Scratch is fit to be tied—but Dig is sure there’s always room for more. And when the rains come to douse the fire and bring a new threat of flooding, a crowd of creatures may turn out to be just what the wombats need.

Nobody Owns The Moon

Clive Prendergast is a fox who lives successfully in the city, in a one-room apartment in a busy part of town. Humphrey is a donkey who works odd jobs and doesn’t always have a fixed address. Nobody Owns the Moon is the story of their friendship. This modern classic picture book is a perfect marriage of text and image and timeless in its message of belonging and community.