Adventures of Rabbit and Bear Paws: The Voyageurs

Set in the 18th century colonized North America, we follow the story of two mischievous Ojibwa brothers as they play pranks and have amazing adventures using a traditional Ojibwa medicine (spirit powder) that transforms them into animals for a short time.

Bears Make Rock Soup: And Other Stories

A collection of stories inspired by paintings that depict the special relationships betweens the Plains Indians and such animals as bear, deer, moose, crows, and loons.

Ukaliq And Kalla Go Fishing

Ukaliq and Kalla are two friends who could not be more different. Ukaliq is loud, excited and always looking for adventure. Kalla on the other hand, is calm, quiet and knows it’s best to be well prepared before travelling out on the land or sea ice. When the two friends head out for a day of fishing, Ukaliq can barely wait to get his line in the water—but his eagerness to catch a fish may just leave him empty handed in the end. There is a lot Kalla could teach Ukaliq about a successful fishing trip, if only Ukaliq would sit still long enough to listen!

That’s Not A Hippopotamus!

A class trip to the zoo descends into a chaotic hunt for the missing hippopotamus. Teacher, zookeeper and all the children join the search. The noise and drama reaches a pitch, and no one thinks to listen to quiet Liam, who really might know where the hippo is hiding.That’s Not a Hippopotamus is a deft and delightful tale, packed with word play and madcap energy—and with a whole different story to enjoy in the illustrations.


Pandora lives alone, in a world of broken things. She makes herself a handsome home, but no one ever comes to visit. Then one day something falls from the sky . . . a bird with a broken wing. Little by little, Pandora helps the bird grow stronger. Little by little, the bird helps Pandora feel less lonely. The bird begins to fly again, and always comes back—bringing seeds and flowers and other small gifts. But then one day, it flies away and doesn’t return. Pandora is heartbroken. Until things begin to grow.