Luke is frustrated by his conservative and overbearing art teacher, until he visits a museum and finds validation for his own special way of looking at the world.
growing up
Life is incredibly hard for all the immigrant families who work in the mine, but harder still for Hannah’s – her father recently killed in the mine, her mother nearly dead from giving birth to the latest child. Hanna defies all convention and passes herself off as a boy to get into the mine that is their only real hope of salvation. Common wisdom is that women are bad luck in a mine, so when her secret is discovered, the superstitious miners are furious. Will she survive this too? Author Diana Vazquez paints a gritty portrait of the bleak mining shanty town and the lives of the people who live there. But it is the indomitable spirit of her unsentimental, blunt, and fearless heroine that will remain memorable to all who encounter her.
A runaway boy with nothing finds everything he needs, including a family, in the most unlikely of places–at a racetrack.
No Time For Monsters / No Hay Tiempo Para Monstruos
Each time Mama asks Roberto to help around the house, he claims to be afraid that a monster will take him away.
Li, Min, Una Nina Del Chimel
Había u vez u niña que se llamaba Li Mi?n. Vivía en chimel, un pueblo de Guatemala. Li Mi?n tenía un abuelo que contaba historias fantásticas. No sabía que algún día, bajo el nombre de Rigoberta Menchú, garía un Premio Nobel de la Paz. En este libro rra, con su amigo Dante Liano, la fábula de su infancia.
The story of Rigoberta Menchú, a political and human rights activist from Guatemala.
La Cama De Mamá
Lo Que Eduardo Sabe Hacer/ What Eddie Can Do
Eduardo is too busy imagining adventures to learn how to tie his shoes, but when his friend Clara is in trouble, his mother shows him that knowing how to tie your shoe can come in handy.
La Abuela
Karli loses his parentes in an accident and goes to live with his grandmother. Now they both have to adjust to living together. The relationship between Karli and his grandmother blossoms into a beautiful friendship.
Nochecita (Neal Porter Books)
Yo, Naomi Leon
Naomi Soledad Leon Outlaw has had a lot to contend with in her young life, her name for a start. Then, there are her clothes (sewn in polyester by Gram), her difficulty speaking up, and her status at school as “nobody special.” But according to Gram, most problems can be overcome with positive thinking. And with Gram and her little brother, Owen, life at Avocado Acres Trailer Rancho in California is happy and peaceful…until their mother reappears after seven years, stirring up all sorts of questions and challenging Naomi to discover who she really is.
Spanish title: Yo, Naomi Leon
Naomi Soledad Leon Outlaw ha tenido que enfrentarse a mucho en su corta vida, empezando por su nombre. Tambien esta el problema de su ropa (hechas por su abuela en tela de poliester), su timidez y la fama que tiene en la escuela de no ser nadie especial. Pero segun su abuela, la mayoria de los problemas se solucionan con mentalidad positiva. Y su vida, junto a su abuela y su pequeno hermano, Owen, en el parque de casas moviles Avocado Acres, es tranquila y feliz… hasta que su mama aparece luego de siete anos, creando confusion y retando a Naomi a que averigue quien es.