Rainbow Fish and the Whale

Rainbow Fish makes a new friend! Take these rough and tumble tiny books wherever you go! Tuff Books are tear-resistant, easy to clean, and completely safety tested and approved for tiny tuff readers!  

Eye of the Wolf

Daniel Pennac’s fable of a boy and a wolf who dare to meet each other’s gaze unfolds with humor, poignancy, and philosophical resonance. They were born worlds apart, the wolf from the Far North and the boy from Yellow Africa. Now all that separates them is a cage at the zoo. The wolf has lost much on his journey, including an eye and his beloved pack. But when he finally consents to trust the strange, still little boy who has been watching him, to meet his eye, their lives intersect with unforgettable results. Master storyteller Daniel Pennac weaves the events of two lives into a mythic tapestry that ultimately and magnificently reveals the fellowship of all creatures. Ten illustrations by Max Grafe enhance this fabulous translation from the French.

Noni Says No

Noni can do many things: she can give her baby brother his bottle, she can help her mother in the kitchen, and she can even walk over to her friend Susiers’s house. But Noni just canr’t say “no.” When she was very small, it was easy saying “no” to everybody, but now that she has a best friend, she wants to please. Noni can’t say “no” to her friend, even when it means she has to hand over a precious toy, or when it means agreeing to a hideous haircut, or even giving up her bed at a sleepover. But when Noni finally finds her voice, the consequences are not what she or the reader expects. A comforting exploration of friendship and of the importance of trusting one’s own judgment. Noni learns that you can stand up for yourself and still be a good friend.

La Diablesse and the Baby

Winner of both the Alcuin Society Design Award and the Storytelling World Honor Award, this is the eerie and colorful tale of the legendary creature–half human, half demon–that roams the Caribbean night, and how a brave Grandma outwits it.

Please, Malese! A Trickster Tale from Haiti

Without a penny to his name, Malese takes advantage of his neighbors using his tricky ways, until they catch on, after which he manages to pull an even bigger trick on them.

Damon, Pythias, and the Test of Friendship

Outside of ancient Syracuse on the island of Sicily, there lived a cruel ruler named Dionysius. He trusted no one. Nearby lived two best friends, Damon and Pythias. One day Pythias spoke out against Dionysius, who quickly ordered his execution, to take place in one month. Pythias wanted to return to his elderly parents to say goodbye and arrange for their care. Dionysius laughed, not trusting that Pythias would return. Damon stood up and offered to take Pythias’ place until he returned. The ruler agreed only after stipulating that if Pythias did not come back, Damon would die instead. When the execution day arrived, Pythias had not returned, but Damon still believed that his friend would be there if he could. Just in time, Pythias ran in, offering up his own life for his friend’s.

A Promise Is a Promise

Bruno the marmot hibernates all winter, and upon waking in the spring, he discovers the most beautiful dandelion outside his burrow. The two quickly become friends, playing together every day. But when summer comes, the dandelion asks Bruno to trust her, so he obliges her request to blow her seeds away into the wind. Devastated that his friend is no longer with him, Bruno is lonely until next winter’s hibernation. When he wakes again, he discovers that an amazing surprise sprouted while he slept.

Being Bee

Bee can’t understand what her father sees in Jazzi. Ever since Bee’s mom died, she, her dad, and her two guinea pigs, Fifi and Lulu, have been getting along just fine. Now Bee is supposed to welcome Jazzi, with her bangled skirts and her rock-hard scones and her new way of looking at everything. Imagine how Bee feels when her dad invites Jazzi to move in! Life certainly gets more complicated, especially after Bee discovers that there is something big that Jazzi has not told Dad. Yet knowing the secret makes Bee see another side of Jazzi, one that oddly enough makes Bee more comfortable.


Tobias is a very special mole. He collects shiny round pebbles and hides them down in his burrow where they’re safe. When a friend warns him about robbers on the prowl, Tobias begins to worry. Frantically, Tobias moves his stones from one place to another until he discovers, too late, that he has been tricked into letting his fears get the better of him. This contemporary fable warns of the dangers of misplaced trust and unwarranted fears.