Cultivando A Un Artista (Growing An Artist): La Historia De Un Jardinero Paisajista Y Su Hijo (Spanish Edition)

“Based on author-illustrator John Parra’s own experience helping with his father’s landscape architecture business and how it inspired him to become an artist, this deceptively simple story celebrates hard work, the bond between a father and son, and the profound links between nature and art, creativity and autonomy. Today is a big day: it’s the first time Juanito gets to help his papi on the job as a landscape architect. Juanito never goes anywhere without his sketchbook, and he carries it with him throughout the day, sketching anything that catches his eye”–

The Sea-Ringed World: Sacred Stories Of The Americas

“Fifteen thousand years before Europeans stepped foot in the Americas, people had already spread from tip to tip and coast to coast. Like all humans, these Native Americans sought to understand their place in the universe, the nature of their relationship with the divine, and the origin of the world into which their ancestors had emerged. The answers lay in their sacred stories. Author Maria Garcia Esperon, illustrator Amanda Mijangos, and translator David Bowles have gifted us a treasure. Their talents have woven this collection of stories from nations and cultures across our two continents-the Sea-Ringed World, as the Aztecs called it-from the edge of Argentina all the way up to Alaska. The Em Querido list seeks to introduce the finest books in translation from around the world to an American audience. We feel lucky to be bringing you this book on our inaugural list, which we hope will be a true window and mirror”–

We Are Wolves

When the Russian army marches into East Prussia at the end of World War II, the Wolf family flees, but Liesl, Otto, and their baby sister, Mia, are separated from their mother, and they are forced to do dangerous things to survive..

Why?: A Timeless Story Told Without Words

Frog is enjoying a peaceful afternoon with a flower he’s picked, when a jealous mouse decides he’d like it for himself. Mouse takes it by force, but frog has reinforcements. Before long the confrontation escalates into a full-scale war. At the end of it will anyone remember why they fought so fiercely?

The Little House Of Hope

“When Esperanza and her family arrive in the United States from Cuba, they buy a little house, una casita. It may be small, but they soon prove that there’s room enough to share with a whole community”–

The Blue Bird’s Palace

Natasha lives a simple life with her father, but when she is granted a wish and makes the selfish choice to live in a palace, the guardian of the Blue Forest transforms her into a blue bird and she learns to be grateful and share.

The Most Important Thing

“The animals are holding a meeting to decide which is the most important thing. They each advocate for their particular trait, but in the end the owl helps them realize they are all different and each have something unique to contribute”–

Where’s Halmoni?

Searching for their missing grandmother, two Korean children follow tracks into a fantastic world filled with beings from folklore who speak in Korean. Includes translations and information about the folkloric characters.