Bee-Bim Bop!

Bee-bim bop is a traditional Korean dish of rice mixed with meat and vegetables. In bouncy rhyming text, a hungry child tells about helping her mother make bee-bim bop: shopping, preparing ingredients, setting the table, and finally sitting down with her family to enjoy a favorite meal. The energy and enthusiasm of the young narrator are conveyed in the whimsical illustrations, which bring details from the artist’s childhood in Korea to his depiction of a modern Korean American family.

In the Land of the Jaguar: South America and Its People

South America’s story is as varied as its geography of soaring mountains, scorching deserts, and lush rainforests.  This  book combines an often tragic history with the problems and triumphs of the present. The information ranges from “the Requirement” (a document read out by the conquistadors each time they came upon a new group of indigenous people to justify their actions) to drug cartels, from the hidden and secretive Elders (a civilization that retreated to the mountains to preserve its customs) to Gabriel García Márquez. Includes maps, an index, and bibliography.

When the Silliest Cat Was Small

A companion to My Cat, the Silliest Cat in the World, chronicling the silliest cat’s younger years. The only thing cuter than a cat is a kitten, and the only thing cuter than a kitten is a kitten who is actually an enormous elephant! After being chosen from a litter of other brightly colored elephants, Gilles’s “kitten” must acclimate himself to his new home. Just like in the first book, the elephant behaves like a kitten should–making a mess, hiding from his food bowl, and waging a war with a particularly tricky stuffed animal.

Ebb & Flo And The Baby Seal

Pitter, patter, pitter, patter, pitter, patter,whoosh!It’s raining, and Ebb wants someone to play with.Suddenly, there’s a little cry.  It’s a baby seal. At last! A friend for Ebb! But the baby seal is a long way from home, and it’s up to Ebb to help her find her mother.  An exciting rescue story about friendship and teamwork.

Woolvs in the Sitee

With no family and little support from his only ally, Miss Radinski, Ben knows that he will have to venture onto the dangerous streets alone to face the woolvs that no one believes exist. The exact nature of the danger is not identified and so the book is open to many different interpretations. Uses invented spelling.

Clinton Gregory’s Secret

A week in the life of a boy with a very active imagination. Clinton Gregory has at least seven secrets, one for each night of the week. Monday, he wrestled a dragon named Gordon; Wednesday, he was invited to dinner with giants; and Sunday, he made paper hats for a ship full of pirates and then rocketed to the moon and back.

Sadie The Air Mail Pilot

Once upon a time, a few brave pilots in little planes flew the Air Mail. No wind, no rain, no cold, or flu can stop the Air Mail getting through! Sadie, a high flying cat, is a brave and fearless pilot who overcomes the elements – and even a plane crash – to deliver the mail. Like all the dedicated Air Mail pilots, she is kept busy by the arrival of never-ending sacks of mail and the Air Mail HQ chief who barks orders at his staff.