My Name is Gabriela/Me Llamo Gabriela (Bilingual): The Life of Gabriela Mistral/La Vida de Gabriela Mistral

Gabriela Mistral loved words and sounds and stories. Born in Chile, she would grow to become the first Nobel Prize-winning Latina woman in the world. As a poet and a teacher, she inspired children across many countries to let their voices be heard. This beautifully crafted story, where words literally come to life, is told with the rhythm and melody of a poem. The second in Luna Rising’s bilingual storybook biography series. My Name is Gabriela/Me llamo Gabriela is beautiful tribute to a woman who taught us the power of words and the importance of following our dreams. The story of Gabriela Mistral will continue to inspire children everywhere.

Conjuros Y Sortilegios (Spanish Edition)

Recetas para convertir a las niñas en ranas y a los niños en murciélagos, fórmulas para desaparecer o para convertirse en algún animal.

Pociones para volar, para leer el futuro y hasta para el amor, hacen parte de este útil manual para jóvenes aprendices de magos. Se garantiza que todo funciona? siempre y cuando las recetas se sigan al pie de la letra, sin mezclar ingredientes ni enredar las palabras mágicas.

El Nino Cocinero Latinoamericano/The Latin American Cookbook For Children (Coedicion Latinoamericana) (Spanish Edition)

Provides fourteen simple recipes for dishes from different Latin American countries, including main dishes, snacks, and desserts

A Small Nativity

Well known for the charm, humor, and beauty of his writing, Aquiles Nazoa was one of Venezuela\’s most famous poets. Here he delightfully retells the Christmas story, while young Venezuelan artist and designer Ana Palmero Cáceres provides enriching, marvelous paintings laden with symbolism and pathos. Presented as a series of altar pieces and richly decorated with gold leaf, Cáceres\’s paintings use symbols and animals native to the Americas as frames for the story of how simple, humble Mary and Joseph sought a place for the birth of their son.