The Grand Canyon (Ready-To-Read. Level 1)

It all started with water. But how did one river make such a deep canyon? Read on and find out.

My First French Word Book

Presents pictures labeled in French and English under such headings as “My clothes,” “At the supermarket,” “Time, weather, and seasons,” and “Opposites.”

Quiero Ser Camionero (I Want To Be a Truck Driver)

In this book male and female truck drivers from all cultures are featured, seen in active and appealing photographs. The lives of these important people are depicted with excitement and realism and easy-to-read captions are explanatory and informative without talking down to the young reader. Perfect for bedtime reading, quiet time, or group story times, the “I Want to Be…” books spark questions and conversation, and can prompt children to learn more about a particular occupation, while reinforcing the importance of aspiring to be their best.

My First Phrases in Spanish and English

Simple dialogues, set in school, in town, in the park, at the beach, and at home, present subjects familiar to children and sturdy pull-tabs transform the text from English to Spanish.