Mangoes & Bananas

Mangoes and Bananas tells the tale of Kanchil the mouse deer and Monyet the monkey — two friends who plant a garden together. But when the trees bear fruit, Monyet begins to eat everything himself. Kanchil has to act fast if he is to get anything at all. Combining folk art with folk tale, this book reflects the warmth and richness of both traditions.


A Doll for Navidades

Las Navidades are coming. The house smells of cinnamon and coconut, crepe paper festoons the yard, and best of all, the Three Magi will soon bring presents to all the children. Esmeralda hopes they will bring her a baby doll. But instead, she receives something far more precious: she experiences firsthand the magic of giving and the power of her family’s love for her.

Chaska and the Golden Doll

Chaska wishes that she could learn to read and write, but the schoolhouse in her little village in the Andes Mountains is too small, and only the boys and older girls can attend. So she spends her days with Grandfather, who tells her stories about the proud Incas and their gold. Many years ago, the Incas lived in the same valley as Chaska’s village and made golden objects in honor of the Sun God, Papa Inti. A few still lie buried among the rocks and stones. One day, as Chaska is thinking about these stories, she finds a golden doll–real Inca idol.

Tuko and the Birds: A Tale from the Philippines

Life was peaceful on the small Philippine island of Luzon. The men fished, the women cooked, the children played games, and the birds sang. Everyone knew it was time for bed when they heard the birds’ good-night song. Then Tuko arrived. Tuko, the gecko, bellowed his name five times every time he ate—day or night. Everyone was miserable from lack of sleep. That is, until Haribon the eagle devised a plan to trick Tuko into leaving for good.

A Dinosaur Called Tiny

When Tiny the Dinosaur hatches out of a great, big egg, no one can believe how small he is! Tiny grows—a little—and tries to make friends with the other young dinosaurs, but they laugh and say that he isn’t big enough to play their games. But when one of the other dinosaurs is suddenly in trouble, Tiny’s small size—and big heart—help him save the day.

Sam Tells Stories

When Sam changes schools, he tells some pretty amazing stories about himself but after a few days, when he confesses that he is just boring, regular Sam, he finds that he still has friends–and a talent that makes him more interesting.


With the signature style and extraordinary artistry that have won her a loyal following, Demi tells the story of how kites came to be.  Long ago in China, holy painters would paint the townspeople’s wishes on paper to be left in temples for the gods to see and grant.  But one day, an impatient mother who wanted her son to grow up strong and wise, had a holy painter paint a dragon, the symbol of strength and wisdom, on a kite.  She then flew the kite up to the heavens where the gods lived so they would see the wish sooner and grant it more quickly.  Kites also explains the significance of different kinds of kite symbols, provides information about kite festivals celebrated around the world, and gives clear, kid-friendly directions for making and painting kites. Demi combines, beautiful artwork, an easy story-telling style, and good solid information about one of the world’s most popular hobbies.