Tortuga In Trouble

Yum! Tortuga is bringing a delicious supper to his abuela of ensalada, tamales, and flan. No wonder his amigos–Iguana, Conejo, and Culebra–are following him. But they aren’t the only ones after the tortoise. Coyote has his own dinner plans for Tortuga and his grandmother. Can the three amigos warn them in time, in this variation of Little Red Riding Hood? A companions to Mañana, Iguana; Fiesta Fiasco; and Count on Culebra.

My Special Day at Third Street School

A school visit from children’s book author Amanda Drake brings a day full of fun. A boy tells how his class prepares for author Amanda Drake’s arrival: reading her books, decorating the room, making lemonade, baking a cake and discussing what questions to ask (and not to ask). The writer makes a terrific impression and motivates the children to write their own stories later. Meanwhile the narrator has made a suggestion to Miss Drake that inspires her next book , My Special Day in Third Street School.

The Party for Papa Luis / La fiesta para Papa Luis

A cumulative tale in which Papa Luis’s family and friends make preparations for his birthday fiesta, complete with pinata, cake, and a clown.

Abuelo Vivia Solo

A young woman recalls her grandfather’s abiding presence in her life as he cares for her throughout her infancy and childhood while her mother is at school or work, until she is the one fixing his snacks and seeing him safely to bed.

Strange Parents

This compelling novel about immigration for intermediate readers details the difficulties encountered by children separated from their parents


Michael Arroyo has a dream of pitching in the Little League World Series, and a pitching arm that throws serious heat. But that firepower is nothing compared to the heat Michael faces in his day-to-day life. Newly orphaned after his father led the family’s escape from Cuba, Michael has no one to watch out for him except his older brother Carlos, who is only 17, and if Social Services hears of the boys situation, they will be separated in the foster care system-or even worse, sent back to Cuba. So the boys their best to carry on alone, dodging bills and anyone who asks to many questions. Until, that is, someone questions how a 12-year-old boy could possibly throw with as much power as Michael Arroyo throws and Michael has no way to prove his age, no birth certificate, and no parent to fight for his cause. Suddenly Michael’s secret world is blown wide open-and he discovers that family can come from the most unexpected sources. A baseball and coming-of-age story worth cheering for, culminating in a dream come true for any boy: Michaelm poor orphan of the Bronx, NY, steps onto the most hallowed of spaces-the Yankee stadium pitching mound.

Arrorró, Mi Niño: Latino Lullabies and Gentle Games

A bilingual recording of the selections in Arrorró, Mi niño, the award-winning collection of traditional Latino baby games and lullabies from fourteen Spanish-speaking countries.

Red Glass

Sixteen-year-old Sophie has been frail and delicate since her premature birth, but discovers her true strength during a journey through Mexico, where the six-year-old orphan her family hopes to adopt was born, and to Guatemala, where her would-be boyfriend hopes to find his mother and plans to remain.