
One moment the sun is shining on the slopes of El Yunque, the largest mountain in eastern Puerto Rico. The next, everything has changed. The sky has turned deep purple, and you feel as if the air has been sucked from your lungs. That can mean only one thing: A hurricane is coming!

How the Sea Began

The gourd containing the bow and arrow of the great departed hunter, Yayael, produces a torrent of water that becomes the world’s ocean.

Roberto Clemente: Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates

On an island called Puerto Rico a boy named Roberto Clemente dreamed of nothing but winning at baseball. With no money–but plenty of determination–Clemente practiced on muddy fields with a glove made from a coffee sack. Little League became minor league, which turned into winter league and, finally, he made it to the major leagues! With lightning speed, towering home runs, and grand slams, Clemente introduced himself to America.

A Doll for Navidades

Las Navidades are coming. The house smells of cinnamon and coconut, crepe paper festoons the yard, and best of all, the Three Magi will soon bring presents to all the children. Esmeralda hopes they will bring her a baby doll. But instead, she receives something far more precious: she experiences firsthand the magic of giving and the power of her family’s love for her.

Feliz Nochebuena, Feliz Navidad: Christmas Feasts of the Hispanic Caribbean

Maricel E. Presilla takes us on a journey through the history of Christmas in the Hispanic islands. As she describes all of the foods of Christmas Day, she tells us about the peoples from around the world who brought their ingredients and recipes to the table. Presilla gives us carefully tested recipes that allow readers of all ages to join in on the feast.

Juan Bobo Goes to Work: A Puerto Rican Folktale

What can you do with a boy who tries to do things right but only leaves disaster in his wake? Readers everywhere will love to laugh at the hilarious antics of the ever-blundering Juan Bobo, Puerto Rico’s most celebrated folk character. In this rollicking Juan Bobo tale, our hero sets out to find work at the farm and the grocery. Although the tasks are simple and the directions couldn’t be clearer, he always find a way to bungle things up as only a character whose name means “Simple John” could!