You Can’t Have Too Many Friends!

Duck grows mouthwatering marshmallows and licorice whips. When jellybeans that Duck grew win a prize at the fair, the king comes and “borrows” some but after much time passes Duck. Getting the candy back will not be easy. But with the help of many unusual friends, Duck might have some luck.

Earth To Audrey

Audrey comes into Ray’s life like an earthbound star. Everything about her is a bit far-out. And she’s always in her own little world. So Ray decides that this unusual girl who has dropped into his neighborhood for the summer must be an alien. As they become friends, Audrey takes Ray on a journey of discovery — one that enables him to see his own planet in a new light. Soon, Ray can’t imagine life on Earth without her. Susan Hughes’ poignant, gently humorous text and Stephane Poulin’s evocative, heartfelt illustrations capture the long childhood summer of discovery in a small town and depict a friendship that changed the lives of two lonely dreamers.