A Summer’s Trade

Tony saves all his summer job money to buy the beautiful saddle at the trading post, but when his grandmother becomes ill after pawning her valuable bracelet to help Tony’s uncle, Tony is faced with a difficult decision.


When their house mysteriously explodes and they are sent to live with an unknown relative named Grandma X, twelve-year-old twins Jaide and Jack Shield learn that they are troubletwisters, young Wardens just coming into their powers, who must protect humanity from The Evil trying to break into Earth’s dimension.


Red Rider’s Hood

After learning that there are werewolves in his city, a sixteen-year-old is even more surprised to discover the identities of the hunters who drove them out decades earlier, but he soon infiltrates the Wolves gang to help destroy them for good.

Antonio on the Other Side of the World, Getting Smaller

Antonio has fun visiting his grandmother but misses his mother so much that he starts to shrink, and as he travels back to the other side of the world by ship, train, and horse, he gets smaller and smaller.

Splash, Joshua, Splash!

Joshua enjoys water splashing when he feeds the ducks, walks his dog, and especially when he and his grandmother splash in the swimming pool.