Ruby Redfort Take Your Last Breath

An adventure on the wide open ocean, and Ruby is all at sea. She tries to crack the case while evading the clutches of the evil Count von Viscount.


Col Porpentine has come a long way from begin the pampered future leader of Worldshaker.  Just a few short months ago he helped Riff free the Filthies from generations of servitude, and created a new balance on the massive juggernaut, newly christened Liberator.  Now the Filthies command Liberator, and many Swanks, former members of the upper class, have remained to teach them how to operate the juggernaut , and to build a new society together.  But all is not peaceful on Liberator.  A rising anti-Swank sentiment among the more fanatical Filthy factions grows increasingly violent and dangerous.  And an anti-Filthy saboteur is loose aboard the ship.  Even the one thing Col thought he could always depend upon–his friendship with Riff– is beginning to crumble.  As tensions run high and the coal supply runs low, Liberator is on the verge of a crisis.  Col and Riff are faced with their most challenging task yet: unifying a divided people…before it’s too late.

Richard Harland returns to the world of Worldshaker withe a heart-stopping sequel that will take readers on a ride to places they’ve never imagined.

Birthday Suit

birthdayJohnny loves nothing better than splashing in the ocean waves—naked. But Mom says now that he’s four he’s too old to run around without clothes on. She even buys him a pair of overalls with genuine 100 percent child-proof snap fasteners! But they’re no match for Johnny as he wriggles out of them. Johnny’s father explains that big boys wear clothes. Doesn’t he want to be big like Dad? As Johnny gazes up, he decides that wearing clothes may be a small price to pay to reach such heights. Everyone is happy as Johnny practices putting on his clothes. And now when he runs into the ocean, he makes sure to take his red swimsuit—but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll always wear it! Imbued with the lilt of the Caribbean and featuring illustrations that capture the warmth and humor of the text, this charming picture book is sure to amuse young children—naked or not!

The Best Restaurant in the World

The next time you go to the beach, look out at the horizon, and you just might see the Super Sailing Sea Restaurant bobbing along. Climb aboard and Chef Peppi will treat you to cotton-candy clouds, introduce you to the flying Spotted Sea Singers, and much more. Maritime magic and scrumptious treats waft on every tropical breeze in this delicious, ice-cream-colored adventure.

10 Little Rubber Ducks (Spanish Edition): 10 Patitos De Goma

¡Vamos a recorrer el mundo
con los 10 patitos de goma!

“¡Patos al agua!” grita el capitán del barco mercante al ver que una ola gigante ha lanzado al mar una caja de diez patitos de goma de su cargamento. Los diez patitos se dispersan en todas las direcciones. Hay uno que se va hacia el oeste, donde se encuentra con un simpático delfín que salta por encima de él. A otro le canta una ballena. Pero cuando se pone el sol, el décimo patito de goma se queda solo, solo y abandonado en medio del inmenso mar. El pequeño lector sin duda se identificará con los apuros por los que pasa el patito y se quedará absolutamente encantado con el entrañable y sorprendente desenlace.

En este conmovedor y simpático cuento, ilustrado con una genial técnica basada en el collage, Eric Carle también invita al lector a un viaje lleno de sorpresas y descubrimientos. Siguiendo a los patitos que se dispersan por las distintas zonas del globo terrestre, el niño reconocerá el uso de las expresiones verbales que indican dirección, así como la numeración ordinal y cardinal. Los animales con los que se encuentra cada uno de los patitos se muestran en su propio habitat y con su comportamiento habitual, lo cual supone un primer acercamiento a los conceptos de biología y de geografía.

¡Todos a bordo para un divertido viaje hacia el conocimiento!

“Ducks overboard!” shouts the captain, as a giant wave washes a box of 10 little rubber ducks off his cargo ship and into the sea. The ducks are swept away in various directions. One drifts west, where a friendly dolphin jumps over it. A whale sings to another. But as the sun sets, the 10th little rubber duck is left all alone, bobbing helplessly on the big wide sea. Small readers and listeners will empathize with the little duck’s plight—and will rejoice at the heartwarming surprise ending.

Manfish: A Story Of Jacques Cousteau

Before Jacques Cousteau became an internationally known oceanographer and champion of the seas, he was a curious little boy. In this lovely biography, poetic text and gorgeous paintings combine to create a portrait of Jacques Cousteau that is as magical as it is inspiring.