A Perfect Wonderful Day With Friends

Raccoon decides to bake an apple cake. But he has no eggs, so visits his friend Fox, who needs a ladder to mend the roof. Badger will have one, but he needs help too, so they set off to find Bear. They stroll through meadows, meet up with Crow, nibble blackberries and find Bear fishing at the river. Soon the five friends are having the best day out–the sun shining on their fur, fishing, swimming, picnic and finally home to bake the cake–two cakes, because bears have big appetites.

Telling Stories Wrong

Grandpa playfully recounts a familiar fairytale or his version, at least to his granddaughter, and try as she might to get him back on track, he keeps on adding things to the mix, resulting in an unpredictable tale that comes alive as it is being told.

Featured in WOW Review Volume XV, Issue 2.

Journey Of The Midnight Sun

“A wordless picture book based on the true story of the Midnight Sun Mosque that traveled 4,000 kilometers across Canada to become one of the most northern mosques in the Arctic Circle”–

Beautiful You, Beautiful Me

“A simple story exploring the feelings of a mixed heritage child who begins to notice the physical differences between her mother’s features and her own. One day, Izzy notices that her skin looks different from her mama’s. “Mama,” exclaims Izzy. “We don’t match! You’re sand, and I’m chocolate.” Then Izzy realizes that her hair has big swirls and curls that jump out from her braids, while her mama’s hair is smooth and straight with a braid that hangs right down the middle of her back. At first, Izzy is sad that she looks so different from her mama. She only sees the beauty in her mother’s features, and not in her own. But using a gentle refrain, her mama lovingly tells her You’re part of me, and I’m part of you. I’m beautiful like me, and you’re beautiful like you. And with time and encouragement, Izzy comes to realize that beauty and belonging come in all shapes and sizes”–

Forever Cousins

Amanda and Kara are cousins and best friends in an intertribal Native American family; but Kara’s family leaves the city and moves back to the Rez, making both girls sad–but the summer reunion reminds them that they will always be cousins.

Pebbles To The Sea

With their father at the marina, and their mother in the workshop, Flo and Fée aren’t sure where they belong. But at least they can still have fun painting the treasures that wash up on the shore. One day they hear a noise and see a stone trace an arc across the sky, it must be from Henri’s giant slingshot! They decide to go see him, but first stop at the café, where they chat with the piano player, then visit their artist-friend in her shop. When they finally reach Henri, he lifts them up onto ladders where they can see two islands that were once connected by an ice bridge. “Have the two islands separated? Like Maman and Papa?” Flo asks. But Henri tells them there’s a sand bridge underwater that links the islands, just as the girls still link their parents. Then he, like the piano player and artist, walks away with a brush and can of paint. Where can they all be going?


A thrilling and hilarious game of jungle hide-and-seek. Ready or not, here it comes! Deep in the heart of the jungle, something is on the hunt.
All of the animals have to run, hide, make no noise, and leave no trace. Fleeing in a frenzy, each animal dashes off to find a wacky way to hide from the mysterious hunter on their trail. Will they find a hiding place in time? More importantly, who or what are they running from?