Sarah is strolling through the jungle, singing a happy song, when Lion pounces. How dare she trespass on his turf? He is King of the Jungle–where nobody strolls and sings: They lumber and grunt, sprint and squeak, slither and harrumph! Lion makes an executive decision to eat the little girl for lunch. But Sarah thinks fast: True, she can’t wallow like the hippo or wriggle like the snake, but she can draw. She paints a portrait of Lion. “I don’t look that grumpy!” he protests. “Yes, you do!” all the animals chorus. Soon Sarah is the jungle’s artist-in-residence! In the tradition of Aesop’s classic fable about the lion and the mouse, LION’S LUNCH? is the tale of a little girl who thinks fast on her feet to get herself off the menu! With a gentle message about the difference between being a good boss–and just being bossy. Plus fabulous depictions of an entire menagerie–parrots, crocodiles, porcupines, antelopes, zebras, monkeys, leopards, frogs–by Margaret Chamberlain, illustrator of PINK!