La brujita encantada

Description in Spanish:La brujita Fua es tan buena como chiquita y siempre ayuda a todo aquel que la necesite. Se alegra cuando los niños se portan bien y baila y ríe cuando los ve contentos. Es una brujita que cree en la acción y que se pinta de tantos colores como buenos sentimientos tiene en su corazón.

Doctor Bird: Three Lookin’ Up Tales from Jamaica

Doctor Bird is one smart hummingbird! When he sees Mongoose stealing food, he drops a weather goofball on her house and really teaches that thief a lesson. When Mouse’s home is destroyed by a storm, Doctor Bird teaches him to keep his head up. And when Owl plans to crash a party dressed like Doctor Bird, Doctor Bird teaches him to be himself–and be proud of it. Presented in the rich storytelling tradition and lush colors of the West Indies, these three tales remind readers that it’s always best to look up when problems land at your feet. Jamaicans believe Doctor Bird has magical powers, and if you don’t believe them, just ask Mongoose, Mouse and Owl!

La Vieja Letivia Y El Monte De Los Pesares

Shunned by superstitious townspeople who are suspicious of her healing gifts, Old Letivia, a wisewoman who lives on the rainforest island of Borinquen, journeys into the forest with her two friends and encounters dangerous tests of her courage.

La Canción Del Coquí Y Otros Cuentos De Puerto Rico

Three Puerto Rican stories include the title story, which represents the land’s indigenous Tainos; the tale of la Guinea, which is rooted in the nation’s African culture; and la Mula’s tale, a story of Spanish origin.

Old Letivia And The Mountain Of Sorrows

Shunned by superstitious townspeople who are suspicious of her healing gifts, Old Letivia, a wisewoman who lives on the rainforest island of Borinquen, journeys into the forest with her two friends and encounters dangerous tests of her courage.

El circo

Description in Spanish: Alicia siempre ha querido ser trapecista y su sueno se hace realidad cuando el circo llega a su pueblo. Entre mil colores, payasos, acrobtas, moniytos, caballos, y elefantes, Alicia logra lo que se propone.

El Flamboyan Amarillo

A young boy and his mother go for a walk in the country and are awed by the beauty of a yellow flamboyan tree. After enjoying its company and shade, the child takes one of its seeds with him and plants it. He cares for it over many years and in time the plant grows into a beautiful flowering tree.

Vejigante Masquerader

Determined to look his best for the upcoming celebration, a young Puerto Rican boy makes a special costume so that he can be a vejigante, or masquerader, in a book that includes a Spanish-English glossary, chants, and instructions for making a vejigante mask.


El solo nombre Coquí evoca la dulce melodía de la ranita que tiene su hábitat en Puerto Rico. Libro hermosamente ilustrado que nos trae el canto nocturno del coquí y la melodía de reinitas, zorzales, gorriones, y ruiseñores, además del batir de alas de mariposas, acrobacias de lagartijos, un arcoiris, una rana con zapatos, un caballito de trapo y unos maizales que, en la imaginación de la autora, se convierten en niñitas con cabellos color de azafrán. Un desfile de ricas imágenes como sólo ésta sabe traer. Libro para enseñar a los pequeños y a los no tan pequeños el amor por la naturaleza y el vivir en armonía con ésta.