The Apocalypse Of Elena Mendoza

Elena, the first scientifically confirmed virgin birth, acquires the ability to heal by touch at age 16, the same year that people start disappearing in beams of light, causing her to wonder if she is bringing about the Apocalypse.

Charles And Emma

Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species, his revolutionary tract on evolution and the fundamental ideas involved, in 1859. Nearly 150 years later, the theory of evolution continues to create tension between the scientific and religious communities. Challenges about teaching the theory of evolution in schools occur annually all over the country. This same debate raged within Darwin himself, and played an important part in his marriage: his wife, Emma, was quite religious, and her faith gave Charles a lot to think about as he worked on a theory that continues to spark intense debates.Deborah Heiligman’s new biography of Charles Darwin is a thought-provoking account of the man behind evolutionary theory: how his personal life affected his work and vice versa. The end result is an engaging exploration of history, science, and religion for young readers.

A Skinful Of Shadows

In the 1640s during the English Civil War, the twelve-year-old illegitimate daughter of an aristocratic family shares their unique hereditary gift: the capacity to be possessed by ghosts.

Shadowhouse Fall

In addition to the ordinary problems of a Puerto Rican teenager in Brooklyn, Sierra Santiago is working on developing her shadowshaping skills, and she is beginning to think she may need all the skill she can summon because it seems that when she channeled hundreds of spirits through herself in order to defeat Wick she woke up something very powerful and very unfriendly and put her family and friends at risk.

Zero Repeat Forever

Sixteen year-old Raven, injured and still grieving over her boyfriend’s death by the invading Nahx, crosses paths with Eighth, a Nyx warrior who has deserted his unit and abandonded his directives, and as the world falls apart around them, the two learn to trust each other in order to survive.