Bitter Dumplings

A tasty, original story. This striking picture book ends with a new beginning for three people who never expected to be friends – an orphaned girl cast out by her siblings, a slave escaping from a mighty emperor’s ship, and a hunchbacked old woman known for the bitter-melon and shrimp dumplings she brings to market each day – and for living in a haunted house at the edge of the marshes. As their hardship-filled paths cross, each of their lives begins to change for the better, in a moving affirmation of the power of compassion. Set long ago in a Chinese village by the sea, Jeanne M. Lee’s meticulously illustrated story has an extraordinary flavor all its own.


With the signature style and extraordinary artistry that have won her a loyal following, Demi tells the story of how kites came to be.  Long ago in China, holy painters would paint the townspeople’s wishes on paper to be left in temples for the gods to see and grant.  But one day, an impatient mother who wanted her son to grow up strong and wise, had a holy painter paint a dragon, the symbol of strength and wisdom, on a kite.  She then flew the kite up to the heavens where the gods lived so they would see the wish sooner and grant it more quickly.  Kites also explains the significance of different kinds of kite symbols, provides information about kite festivals celebrated around the world, and gives clear, kid-friendly directions for making and painting kites. Demi combines, beautiful artwork, an easy story-telling style, and good solid information about one of the world’s most popular hobbies.

Elephants Never Forget!

When a terrible storm scatters a group of elephants, a little elephant finds himself all alone in the jungle. Where can he turn? The water buffalo look nice enough, but he couldn’t become a part of their herd. He decides to stay with them, but when they meet up with some elephants, he must make an important decision.

Kali And The Rat Snake

Kali’s father is a snake catcher – the best in the village. Kali knows that is really something to be proud of, but at school he sometimes gets embarrassed. The other children seem to think there is something very strange about having a snake catcher for a father and eating things like fried termites for a snack. Plus, Kali is the teacher’s pet. How will he ever make friends?

Tap Dancing on the Roof

A sijo, a traditional Korean verse form, has a fixed number of stressed syllables and a humorous or ironic twist at the end. Like haiku, sijo are brief and accessible, and the witty last line winds up each poem with a surprise. The verses in this book illuminate funny, unexpected, amazing aspects of the everyday–of breakfast, thunder and lightning, houseplants, tennis, freshly laundered socks.

See the review at WOW Review, Volume VII, Issue 2


The Rich Man and the Parrot

In this retelling of a tale by Rumi, a parrot tricks a wealthy merchant into setting him free.

The Silk Princess

Princess Hsi-Ling Chi has heard tales of a sleeping dragon and ancient gods residing in the Holy Mountains beyond her father’s palace. But when she emerges from the gates for the first time, she is not afraid. She has a magical thread unraveled from a tiny cocoon that dropped into the Empress’s teacup, and she knows it will lead her back to the palace garden. She is very far from home when she notices that the thread has broken, and that she is lost.


The blue jays and cardinals of Stone-Run Forest have turned against each other. According to legend, only Swordbird, son of the Great Spirit, has the power to conquer evil and restore peace to the land. But is he real or just a myth? Can Swordbird arrive in time to save the forest . . . or will it be too late? Twelve-year-old author Nancy Yi Fan has woven a captivating tale about the birds of Stone-Run Forest and the heroism, courage, and resourcefulness in their quest for peace.